I was in the same situation as you, 10-12 years ago when we bought our house. It already had one wood stove installed when we bought, albeit a really bad one, and my wife was very quickly fed up with the whole thing.
But knowing she has always had more trouble clearly seeing the finish line from the start, and that all things would be forgiven with success, I plowed ahead anyway. I spent a year or three building up a wood supply, then installed two new liners and two new stoves that actually worked reliably. It wasn't but a year hence, that she was the first one asking when I'm going to start the stoves on a cold day.
Now I catch her telling friends and neighbors that she wouldn't want to live in this house without the wood stoves. Go figure!
I wish I had that luxury! Unfortunately I can’t just do it without her. Said if I ask about it again or keep pushing I can move out, buy my own place and do it. She wasn’t kidding!