Well, yesterday was the day, and holy cow did they split nicely. I had my brother in law over, and he did the heavy lifting (I offered to help lift them, but he insisted it was just easier to lift by himself). We split the 22 (one was actually 24") rounds EASIER than 12-14" white birch! The yellow birch and maple were definitly the easiest to split, white birch, cherry and shagbark hickory, respectivly. We hade a good day yesterday, split and stacked almost 4 cords for the 09/10 season. Heading back into the woods in march for the rest of next years stash... with the exception of today. I thought I was done for the year, but my father in law informed me this morning that there is a 18" cherry that the farmer that rents his land is going o knock down and push into the woods at the end of the week to lear that area for corn next year... so I'll be going out today after work to remove it for him.