Just take a look at the splitter threads on this site. We have an enthusiastic wood-burning population here of which the majority of are unwilling to spend more than $1000-$1400 on a splitter. If they even are in the market for a powered splitter.
Well this thread has taken quite the swing.

Pics or you know....
Yep, that is what happens when I see something I like that is freaking ridiculously expensive, or when a repair is ridiculously expensive. Surely wasn't going to pay somebody $3,000 plus to install the furnace, so had to learn how to do that. They wanted $2,100 just to hook the thing up to the ductwork and another $800 for the chimney install, with me putting the furnace in place. Installing the AC was another complete disaster. They wanted $4,600 for it and I bought what they wanted to sell me for $1,900.
Same goes for the AC clutch and brake lines on the car. If I wasn't able to make those repairs, it would have been time for a new car.
Building a splitter is also a good excuse to get a welder, even though I already had an excuse in mind, building a trailer. I am going to be a welding fool.
Mind you, this endeavour is not going to happen until after tax season. Do not have the time to get into this now and I need to learn how to weld and get an idea for what I am going to build. Strike that, I have an idea, but the devil is in the details. Always is. So, I need to read up on welding and welders, buy a welder, practice welding, while reading up on splitters, required parts, possible designs, etc. Ain't coming together tomorrow. However, it will come together.
Going to have to post pics of the furnace one day.