I think the lack of maintenance will eventually swing the calc toward PV - I installed a lot of solar thermal systems back when, and there are often hidden costs over the years.
Besides, right now even free PV could hardly compete with nat gas...damn stuff is almost free. But that will end.
This was what Martin put forward in his blog that stared this thread -- that maintenance on a combined PV + heat pump water heater would be less than a solar thermal system.
I find that a bit mind boggling.
On a PV system you are likely to have to replace the several thousand dollar inverter at least once and perhaps twice in a 30 year life. And, if you have to add the heat pump water heater to get the efficiency up to a reasonable level, you are likely to have to replace the heat pump water heater ($3000?) at least once and probably twice during the 30 year life. You might well be talking $12,000 of maintenance over the life of the system -- that does not seem small to me?
I have two drain back water heating systems (space and domestic water) -- the oldest one being about 9 seasons old. The only maintenance has been an early failure of the Goldline controller which cost me all of $100 to replace. I think drain back solar thermal systems are about as maintenance free as it gets.
Maybe I'm missing something?
Agree that if you have access to NG its getting hard to beat with anything but DIY solar thermal -- except from a carbon emissions point of view.