Well my heart has won out over my head. I'll have to wait a little longer before I purchase. I really want a cast iron stove! I've pretty much given up on the all nite burns too. Because the modern stoves require you get the temp up to 500 degrees before the air is turned down. I'm afraid a med. to large stove would drive me out of the room. The wood that I buy is douglas fir and big leaf maple is cut 15" long and split small 4"x6" is the average, I don't own a truck and live so far from any where this one supplier is about it. I'm leaning toward the jotuls on looks and the good reviews here. The oslo would be too big I think, 3CB may be too small. the castine may be the one. One thing I can't find is the size of the fireboxes on the jotuls. Doesn't list that in the brochure or the web site. Do any of you know? The Hearthstone Shelburne and Craftsbury are still in the hunt as far as looks g
ne has a 2.0 cu. the latter has a 1.5 cu. Not much in the review section on either of those. roben.