So some good news bad news. I still stand by my assessment that my wood is absolute crap this year. I measured three random sized (indoors and heated up) splits. Split them and then measured. Each of them were in the Mid-high 30% MC

I mean come on... even the Fir I cut 2 weeks ago had a slightly lower intern MC... Also I'm finding a lot of punky, insect eaten wood in my stack.
I stand by my original statement, this wood sucks...
Now onto the good news. I'm cutting up some Ash from a friend this weekend. Looks to be about 1-1.5 Cord's worth. So I'll have that for seasoning. Also I checked and cleaned my liner this week. I did a mid-season clean last year in late January and never cleaned it after that. Maybe had 2 cups (if that of Creosote and fly ash. Burn times are not great and secondary combustion is not great. I'm just going to have to resolve myself that this year will not be a great wood burn year and keep planning and looking ahead to the next one.