I attempted to split a couple of these monsters over the weekend. There are 12 total this size, about 8 that are smaller (but still 20" plus). That's a men's size XL glove in the original post...and they are cut to about 18" long.
Put the splitter in vertical, rolled round into position, ram came down, and it stopped dead in its tracks. Huh? Retract the beam....full throttle....drop the wedge again....I hold it down and it groans and eventually stalled. What? Spun the round trying to find a "weak" spot. No dice. The wedge made a 1/4" impression. Thinking I just had one really stubborn one, I rolled all 300lbs of it out of the way...and rolled in another. Same thing. Now I'm all kinds of mad. I wrestled these out of the woods...and it wasn't for my health...I'm going to have me some firewood.Grab the 361, noodle in half. Finally got it to split. I got 16 splits out of one round....but it was a hard fought 16 splits.
I guess I'll have to noodle all of them. These are the first rounds that ever stopped the 22 ton Huskee. In all reality I was probably asking too much of it.
Now that surprises me about the splitter. Does it have a 2-stage pump? If so, it should have done the job.