Years ago, I did a time lapse video of the nightly load. Looks like it topped out at about 880ºF that night. This was a bit before I had the full secondary air mod and worked to tighten up the stove a bit. Now I trade a bit cooler temps for a bit longer burn time - unless I'm running full bore to heat up the house.
But, ya, the old iron is probably pretty well seasoned and won't melt until north of 2700ºF, so anything below glowing should be fine. Heck, even glowing isn't terribly an issue, though does exponentially speed up the oxidation of the steel and lead to eventual 'burn-out'.
But, ya, the old iron is probably pretty well seasoned and won't melt until north of 2700ºF, so anything below glowing should be fine. Heck, even glowing isn't terribly an issue, though does exponentially speed up the oxidation of the steel and lead to eventual 'burn-out'.