Show Us Your Wood Shed

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Super basic shed. It’s oak pallets for the floor, elevated off the ground using bricks with weed mat underneath to prevent weeds.
23’ long, 3’ deep, 6.5’ high under the rafters at one end and 5’ high at the low end. Salvaged cedar 2x6 rafters, plywood roof deck, and tin roofing. Cost was $0 - everything was a leftover or salvaged. It’s open on all sides plus the elevated floor & space between the rafters allows for good airflow. I've also left a gap between the rows of splits to allow drying between them.

The metal shed next to it is ~5.5’ from the south edge of our property (the fence) so I built the shed in the gap to get southern exposure all year and utilize the requisite 5’ setback. Neighbor is fine with it.

Edit: Fixed image rotation
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I built some racks like yours and picked up some used metal roofing and plan on doing the same as you did. looks good.
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I don‘t have a wood shed yet but I was looking through some on here for ideas And there’s many that seem like they wouldn’t let much air in to help in the drying process…. I’d like to have something natural and rustic looking but I’m leaning toward just putting up a carport type of shelter and stacking my wood on. Y racks inside of it, metal is high but I was looking on the Menards app and I see there’s some that are mostly wood that would suffice nicely. I’d love to shun the tarps finally after ten years of wood burning!
Make one with the sides completely open - it's about the roof, not walls.
You could add one slatted side on the prevailing winds side.

Search for @Highbeam s shed. Looks rustic to me. Black wood with firewood inside. Can be made to any size.
After years of stacking wood in, then moving it to garage and stacking again...I decided to go the tote way.
Filled right at the splitter. Finished manually handling...pick up a few splits every time I pass by in garage & drop in basket by stove. I have 25 of them filled and stored undercover, 3 high.

[] Show Us Your Wood Shed
After years of stacking wood in, then moving it to garage and stacking again...I decided to go the tote way.
Filled right at the splitter. Finished manually handling...pick up a few splits every time I pass by in garage & drop in basket by stove. I have 25 of them filled and stored undercover, 3 high.

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I'd love to have totes like those.
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Holds 30+ cords when full, enough to keep 10 rustic guest cabins, an employee yurt, and a main lodge warm through a long Montana winter! (This picture is from a year ago, we're further along on stockpiling wood than this right now!)

[] Show Us Your Wood Shed
My first wood shed. Design factors were 1) the wife liking it (very visible from the house) 2) material costs with covid craziness. It's 16' wide, 4' deep and 6' to 8' high. It can be loaded and pulled from on both sides. With the cost of wood I didn't want to build a floor, so I used pallets and some old masonry to hide them. The roof is Ondura asphalt corrugated panels, because aluminium panels were back-order everywhere in my area, and I could not believe the price of OSB. It sits on blocks because I wanted to keep the option of moving it if need be. Inspired myself from several designs here. Thanks for sharing!

[] Show Us Your Wood Shed
Very nice!
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I built this wood shed four yrs ago and am very very happy to have it but there are a few things that I could or should have done differently. The space between the boards is just from shrinkage. I could have kept the look but spaced the boards further apart. Doing the roof I never thought to put in a ridge vent. I could use some gable louvers to help move the air. Steady breezes help. We live in a spot where the laundry on the line is so often horizontal. I’m satisfied with the size, 16x12 ft. It holds 3 1/2 cord of 16 inch rows each side at six or more feet high with good air space between rows. Bigger is almost always nicer but that’s more to build. I had to bring in gravel to fill a steep slope at the back so there was no room to create access to the back where drier unused wood may end up be behind the newer wood. The gravel gives a good floor with crossways boards to hold wood off it. I put some left over geotextile road fabric under the gravel which maybe helps a little more with ground moisture. The 6x6 pressure treated posts are about 2.5 ft deep with 2” of styrofoam surrounding them 2ft out to keep the ground unfrozen. Posts are cross braced. By the way don’t rent a post hole digger if you expect it to dig through gravel. The vibration makes it cave in on itself.

The shed may not be the best for fast drying and I did get mold on some pieces for the first time this year but it does its job. Our cookstove seldom needs cleaning and annual chimney cleanings yield next to nothing. I’ve got to say it sure beats digging our wood from under snow and a frozen tarp.

[] Show Us Your Wood Shed
These sheds are all nice looking and I especially like the little one by the back door for convenience and that black and white doggy looks worthless like all the rest the forum members have usually laying around getting warmed by the owners stoves---your doggy is a working doggy--I love dogs..thanks for sharing..
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Here's what I came up with after drawing from the Popular Mechanics, Fine Homebuilding, and EPA plans - plus looking through everyone's on this thread. I had a bunch of salvaged materials from a porch I had torn down so that drove the size. There were a lot of 6' pieces of 5/4 deck boards, and I let the pitch of the roof and length of salvaged 4x4s I had on hand drive the height with the galvanized roof panels leaving a little overhang. I ended up buying 4 treated 2x6x12s, a box of joist hanger nails, a box of 16D galvanized nails, a box of 4" exterior screws, and a 25 lb box of 2 1/2" decking screws (overkill on the weight but needed them for later projects). Everything else was salvaged down to the precast footings and joist hangers. It should hold about 2 cords. I'm hoping I go through about 1 cord per winter at most with the VC Aspen C3 and my small house in this climate (and random 60+ degree winter days like we're having so far).

My only concern is that I may have to support the outer 2x6 spans between the 4x4s/deck footings, as the joists are running perpendicular into them with hangers. If so that will be easy enough to get to and stick footings/cinder blocks under them.

I was worried about a 50+ MPH wind tipping the thing over so I loaded as many cut pieces of wood at the front edge and will split them as time allows. It's not moving anywhere now.

[] Show Us Your Wood Shed
no idea where this came from…
found it in the garage…
decided it’s best in the woodshed.
checked out the name, they make gears, shafts and transmission parts…
🤔 hmmm…

[] Show Us Your Wood Shed
Glad to see someone started a new woodshed sticky thread.

Here's my shed I just built a month or two ago. Holds about 5 cords.

[] Show Us Your Wood Shed
Nice...Do you know what material cost for this? and size thanks
[] Show Us Your Wood Shed

Burning some rot and bark and whatnot…
Trying to enjoy the weather with a cold brew but it’s freezing up

Running low on my supply…
I guess I didn't take any pics after this, but it's not hard to imagine the tin roof and trim that completed it. Made from all reclaimed materials on my farm except for a handful of screws. My grandpa was an overbuild it with nails type of guy so I followed his lead lol.

probably have enough aged lumber around to build a few more. If I were closer to bigger population centers I probably would try to sell one or two to a yuppie who likes the aged look, but I'm hording the wood for future producs.

[] Show Us Your Wood Shed
I don't have a shed yet. I like just looking at these. So many good ones for ideas. I've noticed that the roof pitch on most isn't too steep, or in a couple cases no angle at all. I suppose because the overall area is typically less than a garage or house, excessive snow weight is not a concern?