Well I got my second load from the farm today! I have to be honest, I pushed myself a bit too hard in this heat (92 degrees). I got 100% Oak again, and I loaded the truck to the absolute max, and man that oak is heavy.
It's all worth it in the end though, I am just getting the most perfect straight beautiful rounds of oak I have ever cut in my life from this place. Like I said a few posts back, I plan to go back on Saturday with some others to get another load.
Below are the pics, since it obviously did not happen if there are no pics!
Well I got my second load from the farm today! I have to be honest, I pushed myself a bit too hard in this heat (92 degrees). I got 100% Oak again, and I loaded the truck to the absolute max, and man that oak is heavy.
It's all worth it in the end though, I am just getting the most perfect straight beautiful rounds of oak I have ever cut in my life from this place. Like I said a few posts back, I plan to go back on Saturday with some others to get another load.
Below are the pics, since it obviously did not happen if there are no pics!