Road trip reports and tons of pictures

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Mar 25, 2008
Western MA
As promised after i was semi settled down i would write up a complete report.

(broken link removed)

The mission: Drive from Palmer MASS to St Helens Oregon.
The vehicle: 2007 Ford Ranger xlt, extended cabv-6 4.0 4wd.
The trailer: 2007 Karavan tilt snowmobile trailer with enclosure.
The Route:,-95.449219&spn=25.442384,79.101563&z=4

Saturday 2-7-09
Packing and running around getting everything ready. The truck has been gone through, almost everything is packed, necessary tools and parts have been aquired and checklists going through. Some goodbyes are said with friends and family.

Sunday 2-8-09
The day is here. Begins with packing up the computer and bed and loading into the truck and trailer. Final good byes are said to family and friends. Proceed downtown to get gas, fill up the gas tank only to realize that i left the cellphone charger and blue tooth charger back home. Go home get that crap say goodbye to my grandmother again and hit the road.

First stop Agawam Mass to say good bye to my cousin, and grandfather.

3:00pm on the open road getting on I-90 west in Springfield MA. Driving through the Berkshires up hill into a 20+ mph head wind with a bulky loaded trailer and truck is not fun. I can watch the gas gauge move as i am driving. Rpms are up high. Roughly 7pm near Utica NY area the wind died so i was able to ease back on the gas. Things are going pretty good, making good time and stopped twice once for food, and once for gas and bathroom break. At around 10 i am passing through Buffalo NY , this was a backup stop incase i was tired but i was anxious to keep going so i keep going. 11:30 arrive in Erie PA, check into a hotel for the night. 1/6 of the way there

Monday 2-9-09
Wake up after a much needed nights sleep and grab a quick breakfast in the hotel. Fill up the ole gas tank and back onto I-90 west. Entering Ohio! Things are starting to get pretty flat, and suprisingly a very little ammount of snow is on the road. A few interesting pictures were taken of misc road signs and names of towns/cities from back home. Before i know it i am heading up I-75 to I-475 heading towards Michigan. Entering Michigan! A quick stop at the welcome center for a needed bathroom break, and while i am there i inquire about tours of the ford plant in detriot. While doing this i find out about The Henry Ford Museum and it's only an hour away. They also have factory tours where you get to go to the plant where the F-150s are made. What the heck why not, i only had 6 hours of driving scheduled for today anyways.

Entering Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village. First thoughts while driving by all kinds of buildings is that this entire complex is HUGE! Finally get to the parking lot near the building and go inside. Unfortunately i missed the last factory tour by about 30 mins (last one went out at 3, it was 3:30), i was dissapointed but paid and entered the Museum. Initially i was expecting just cars and Ford history but i was shocked when i entered. This place is also huge inside, i cannot get over the size. The entire nations history from the 1700's untill today was there each in it's own little section. First thing i saw was the Oscar Myer Weiner mobile, followed by tractors and farm equipment from the turn of the century to today. i could keep writing about this but words don't do it any justice please go look at the pictures. I only had a little bit of time so i was kinda of moving right along as they closed at 5pm. I could of easily spent an entire day here and then some. To sum it up, AWESOME. I was so into the exibits that i didn't realize when they closed, i didn't hear any announcement and all of a sudden it was 5:30 and a security guard walks up and politely tells me it's past closing time. I apologize and ask how to get out as i was lost!

Diaspointed they i only was able to spend about 2 hours in there i walked back to the truck and got in. Punched in the hotel info to the gps and off i went. Oops driving through downtown Detriot during rush hour traffic and road construction zones. DOOOOH! Never do that part again. Check into the hotel around 6 ish, call my long time pen pal who i have never met before. We arrange to meet up for dinner at a small chain mexican place called Cancun. Meet up there after i got lost even though the place was less than 5 mins from the hotel.

Had a great dinner with my friend and her friend, closed the place down. We decided to hang out some more and went to a little coffee shop in Lansing calls BigB's or something along those line. Boy did i feel out of place there. I asked for a regular coffee with cream and suger and you would of thought i kicked the barista's puppy! I wasn't dressed trendy enough, i didn't have fake glasses, didn't have a laptop or school work. Ended up hanging out there till we were all falling asleep. Made plans with my friend for brunch the next morning so i could meet her little boy.

More in the next post, i hit the text limit!
Tuesday 2-10-09
Wake up before the alarm goes off .(very rare) Quick hotel breakfast and then check the weather. Oh crap snow in Illionois. Try calling friend several times finally after not being able to for several hours leave a sad message saying i had to get back on the road. She calls back an hour later all sad also. Down Michigan, through Indiana into Chicago area. Go through a toll booth and found out my Fast Lane transponder from the mass pike works in IL, neat. Pretty heavy traffic through Chicago area, but i expected it. Il is very boring to drive through, actually since PA it's been pretty boring, relatively flat lots of farms and lots of cows. Freaking weather all day is in the mid 50's to low 60's WTF, well the weather i saw was for in like 2 days. ARRRGRRR oh well

Make it through IL, and on to Iowa. This is even more boring to drive through. I'm getting cranky been in the truck all day it's getting late and i am tired. Punch in the hotel into the gps, and start navigating downtown Des Moines. NOT FUN. The gps wasn't keeping up fast enough and kept telling me to turn after i passed a freaking street. Meh. Find the damn hotel drive around the parking lot several times, no place to park the truck with trailer, GRRR. Park in the horseshoe thing out front, check in and ask where to park. Find out their lot is also between 2 other buildings. No problem park across several spots . Just as i am about to get out of the truck a car leaves from the main parking lot. Sweet. Pull out to street come in 2nd entrance. Answer phone in the process, hi mom! Start to pull into parking space creeping along, BOOOOOM. F%#$ , what was that. Tell mom i am pissed call her tomorrow. Well a small tree was in the median thing at the end of the parking lot, tree branch was hanging down around 6' of so, so the truck passed right under it. Small dent in the enclosure of the trailer, much cursing and bitching. Back out of the spot, approach it from the other side. (truck would be under branch and would fit) Pull in from other way, drive onto the curb to give the car next to me room, NOPE even with me over the curb by about a foot there was only 6" of clearence to the other car. I decided to be nice and parked the damn thing where i originally intended too. Grab my stuff, find the room. Hit up the soda machine for some coke, make several stiff JD and cokes shower and then off to la la land.

Wednesday 2-11-09
The usual wake up, hotel breakfast and then back on the road. Have i mentioned how boring Iowa is to drive through yet? After several hours on the road entering Nebraska. Wow even more boring to drive through. After driving for hours upon hours Entering Wyoming. Uh oh the GPS died shortly after i hit the wyoming line. Appearentally the memory card was corrupted and didn't have images for that area. Meh whatever, do it the old fashioned way, follow the signs to the hotel. Find the hotel pretty easily, check in ask where the nearest walmart is. Driving towards walmart, see a circuit city, i know they are going out of business, lets see whats left and how cheap it is. Got plenty of GPS left 40% off Get a Garmin Nuvi whatever model here.

Thursday 2-12-09
Usual routine , gas up and hit the road. Within 15 mins or so start seeing hills and mountains in the distance. YAY scenary change. Lets of hills and them mountains with awesome rock formations to check out. Also lots of windmills and minature oil derecks dotting the land scape here and there. Deffinately driving up hill gradually now. Again words can't describe it go check out the pictures! Entering Utah. WOW the highway goes right through the base of the mountains, looking up for the road 1500-2000' to the top, some sharp turns. Run into a couple flurries, stop at the nearest rest area and bring up the weather on the phone. Nothing showing up anywhere so it's gotta be nothing big. 15 minutes later down the road sunny again. Entering Idaho. More montains and traveling down hill a little bit now. Find the hotel and an easy parking spot. Go the last room for the night.

Friday 2-13-09
Friday the 13th, should of known something bad was gonna happen today. Normal routine breakfast, gas up and then back on the road. Not even 20 minutes of driving, a big rig passes me and kicks up a rock, i see it comming straight at my windsheild in slow motion. Bang Crack! Nice sized chip and then a 2-3" crack. Oh well full coverage and no glass deductible, get it taken care of when i get to oregon. What was really amusing to me was tumble weeds blowing across the highway. You know you're in the middle of knowhere when....... The land is flat for the most part, and not really any snow anywhere. Entering Oregon! Yay i am excited only a few more hours to go. Driving through some mountains again and some pretty tight turns. Going up hill for a little while now. All of a sudden these huge warning signs for trucks 6% downgrade for the next 6 or so miles. Tons of signs and blinking lights etc. This is what is known as Cabbage hill. Stopped at a little rest area in the middle of the whole damn thing. What an amazing view into the valley. Man is it windy here, i literally have to lean slightly to walk. Snap a bunch of pictures and get back into the truck to defrost. Passed a bunch of tree farms, and i am curious as to what kind they are, check out the pictures and post back if you know.

Columbia river area, what a cool area river/resivor in the valley, washington state in the north, highway and mountin face to the west.
Entering Portland, almost there! Gaaaa rush hour traffic. After sitting in traffic for 30 mins i start moving again.

5:30 pm I MADE IT
Pull into drive way and knock on the door, a quick hug and the story begins..
That drive into Utah from Wyoming is spectacular Breath taking. I would some times take a load to Oregon just for that scenery
Thanks for sharing, that was great! Glad you made it safe and sound. Told ya NE was boring....
Around page 3 on the pics album is a bunch of wood stove history from the Henry Ford. Some neat stuff
Well it's good to hear that you arrived safely seige...isn't St Helen's where the volcano exploded back in the 80's?
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