Don't feel bad. There are no easy answers. Even sand has its issues. Once it runs into streams it will land in the benthic zone (bottom layer) and "suffocate" life living there. Sand also does nothing to enable mechanical removal by plow, which brine does well.I didn't know the beet juice was just as bad... I feel terrible about my job now... Pretty much every storm we put loads of salt on sidewalks and parking lots and the other trucks spread it on roads. We use sand on gravel lots, but still salt on their decks, walkways, etc. Perhaps the price of salt will increase to the point it's more economically friendly to exclusively use sand rather than salt.
The best we can do with current technology is to avoid over-application and to try and recover the residuals after the winter event for reuse via a street cleaner truck. There are others (e..g. , me) that are looking at ways to recover the salt that accumulates in detention ponds and roadside ditches using salt-loving plants and other methods.