Replacing the Dauntless..

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Hearth Supporter
Nov 7, 2008
Hi Everyone,
Im looking to get rid of the Dauntless this year. Im thinking about the Quadra fire Millennium 3100.
Is this a good stove ? easy to operate ?
Thanks in advance
The Quad is a time-proven workhorse with a basic secondary rack design. It's a good choice and much easier to operate.
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Thanks for the reply, i was on vacation and away from the computer.
Ordered the 3100 this passed weekend. Hopefully this is a much better experience than the Dauntless was.
Hi Everyone,
Im looking to get rid of the Dauntless this year. Im thinking about the Quadra fire Millennium 3100.
Is this a good stove ? easy to operate ?
Thanks in advance
Hi! new to the forum. We've been looking into the Dauntless and I'm wondering why you want to get rid of it? Thanks in advance?
Hi! new to the forum. We've been looking into the Dauntless and I'm wondering why you want to get rid of it? Thanks in advance?

It can be a fussy stove to operate, especially without the catalytic convertor installed. Check out user posts for the Dauntless in the Vermont Castings section of the forums.
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That stove gave me so many problems and you have to constantly babysit it to make sure it doesn't get CRAZY hot. Id definitely recommend something else.
I did buy the 3100 Millennium . I'm installing SOON so hopefully its a much better experience.
Have you gotten the new stove yet and if so, how do you like it? Were you able to sell your Dauntless?
Yup, i got the new stove and haven't had a fire in it yet. its 80 out today. soon though....
I still have the Dauntless and will be trying to sell it soon.
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So i had a few fires and i already like this better. it throws good heat. I am still hesitant to load it full but i prob will soon. i had a good fire last night BUT i tossed in 2 logs after the fire was going for a few hours...i guess we will call it a " hot reload" ? it made the stove take off over 600-625 with the air all the way down.. i dont like it up that high but the manual says 650 is ok.

So, do i not do hot reloads ? am i supposed to rake the coals to a side of the firebox ? or do i have to wait for the fire to get much cooler ?

Any advice would be appreciated.
650º on the stove top is cruising temperature for some stoves, especially in cold winter when the stove is being pushed for heat. Some even run up to 700º. The good news in this case is the firewood is dry. What was the stove top temperature before the new wood was added?

The coals need to burn down further. As the fire dies down, about 30 minutes before adding a couple logs, open up the air to around 50% tohelp the coals burn down quicker.
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Im not 100% sure the temp of the stove before i added the 2 splits.. maybe 400ish. yes still had plenty of coals though. also Yes, the wood is very good.3 year stacked red oak. i will let the coals burn down longer in the future.
Thanks !
Had a good long fire last night. Loaded the stove FULL and did a top down fire. Started at 530pm and i had coals in the stove at 530 the next morning...not a ton of coals but enough to get it going again if i wanted to. full load of red oak.
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Stove got up to 730 degrees yesterday about 2 hours into the fire and air all the way low. a little hotter than the "high burn " of 650 in the manual. after about 30-45 min it was back down to 550ish on its own. Should i be concerned about over firing or is this ok ? I know above was stated that some guys run at 650 to 700 normally, i guess im just not so comfortable at that temp yet.
Thanks !
It takes some practice but it sounds like good progress is being made. Pack the firebox tighter with large splits and turn down the air sooner for more control over the "high" burn.
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I also will replace my dauntless,this stove would make a good boat mooring .thinking lopi? Any lopi owners on here with positive feedback
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I also will replace my dauntless,this stove would make a good boat mooring .thinking lopi? Any lopi owners on here with positive feedback
Lopi makes good quality stoves. To determine a good fit, can you describe the flue setup that the stove is connected to?

How old is the stove, does it have the catalyst installed? How well seasoned is the wood supply?