??? Not sure I understand how this relates.Use the hoops that California went through on ZEVs, PZEX, SULEVS and PHEVs (probably missed a few. It depends where the bubble is drawn. Up until Navajo Electric shut down, PZEVs could be cleaner than ZEVs charged with grid power. The devil is always in the details. The Manomet study that Mass paid for came to the conclusion that burning biomass was dirtier than coal. Even the authors came out afterwards and admitted that they were told what conclusions they needed to come to prior to writing the study. One of the big issues of late is the speed where a technology breaks even on sustainable, In order to make climate change "real" to the general population is to accelerate the impact to shorten the time scale, thus there are discussions that a technology is not sustainable enough and should be net positive in environmental impact.
There are lot of fingers pointed at the Drax power generation station in the UK. Its was converted to burn biomass to the tune of 7.5 million tons a year. Its generally regarded that it burns about 10 % of the wood pellets produced in the world. It was a coal plant previously. So this is great progress from the UKs point of view? Now pull back and look at the world climate point of view and it gets bit dicier, the UK doesn't have a lot of trees and they sure dont want to cut them to make pellets so they ship the pellets in from the southeast of the US and Canada. I am unsure for the Canadian supplies but the US pellets are made from plantation grown genetically altered wood. This is not scraps from lumber operations these are trees designed and grown to be ground up into pellets. How do these pellets get to the UK? they go on cargo ships fueled by bunker C fuel oil. There are also issues that the nutrients are getting sucked out of the soil in the US and never being returned, this degrades the soil long term.
Biomass plants are not incredibly efficient, they do not burn as hot as coal so the cycle efficiency is lower than coal. The plants generally need to be base loaded. Compare that to a natural gas combined cycle plant at a considerable higher efficiency which can vary its output.
Now it gets bit murkier on exactly how sustainable Drax is. It all depends on who draws the boundaries. The same thing is going to apply to the Green New Deal.