Holy flying conspiracy theory(ies) Batman(s). The little blue marble is a scary place indeed with all "them" science types out to get you, steal all "your" money, educate all "your" children.
Nasty evil folks indeed, we should really form a movement, lets call it the folks who just barely managed to complete grade school, who are gonna teach all them science types the right way to do science movement! Ya know, show em how the good ole boys get er done! Show em good. Yep that's a nice short title that we can remember. Nice acronym too.
It's ok we don't need to know any science or have even the slightest inkling to learn anything at all, we will just make up the rules of science as we stumble (move in the only correct direction) along & always keep our ace in the hole, DENIAL. As long as we have that, we can (in our minds) disprove anything science says.
Me, I want to take on that fake science about gravity first. I know better. I think it is floatation not gravitation. They can't prove me wrong!
Then move onto the ridiculous notion that the sun does not revolve around the earth that those dirty rotten nasty science types say is a fact, I know better. The earth is the centre of everything, always has been always will be. They can't prove me wrong!
After that I want to tell those darn science types that indeed the earth is flat as opposed to their ridiculous notion that it has a roundish shape. I know better. After all ships still disappear at sea, they must be sailing off the edge, never to be seen again, right? They can't prove me wrong!
What say the rest of you in the movement?, what evil science would you like to take on & deny first? Gotta be at least a billion of them!, right?
BTW a major part of being a scientist is proving the other scientist wrong. Proof of hypothesis, proof of theory, adherence to the scientific method & on & on. If it wasn't against the membership rules of the movement I might even allow myself to think that one scientist enjoys proving the other wrong, but it is against the rules so I will deny that. Bring on the conspiracy theory.
Seriously (for a moment before I rejoin the movement) if this old carpenter with a minimum of education, can after a great deal of study (for me), figure out that the vast majority of agreed upon information (data) supports the hypotheses & theories of one side….I really expect the majority to get there as well. After all with my minimal education you really shouldn't be expecting me to haul all the freight in a science discussion. Kinda like shoving the cart out in front of the horse & being upset with the horse for the results.
Ok back to the deniers camp I go, it's more fun there. So much less thinking for my old brain to do. I can see why so many like & defend it.