I am stuck between the Blaze King, Blaze King Princess, and Summit LE (Classic). Might as well throw in the Quadrafire 57ST-ACC-C (guess that is the 5700 model), and Blazeking Ashford, since it looks nicer. Looking for
1. practical/real experience from owners, as well as what other factors set these apart,
2. most importantly, is it going to work well for my specific situation:
3. I dont want to spend more than i need to.
4. High efficiency of course, which prob means catalyst. I looked at the EPA file as my starting point.
5. Are there other fireplaces I should be looking at?
4. Usage goal: Be able to run off wood year round if needed. Second, to use for cooking when electricity is out (again, long term here).
Usage scenario:
First, about the house:
Sq ft: House will probably be 2600 (+/- 100) sq ft after add-on completed. Two rooms are upstairs currently, and the extra two will also be upstairs..
Climate: -20F some nights and strong winds in NE Idaho.. -30's have happened, but rare.
House insulation: house is about 20 years old. Not sure how well insulated.
Flue: 6 inch currently, so if upgrading to King, then I was quoted an extra $1500-$2500 to replace with 8" flue. Not sure if this price is typical, but a barrier for sure.
Usability year round: Sounds like only the Blaze king works well on cool (not cold) days, is that right? This seems to be a pretty strong factor.
Current gas heating use: Last year gas bill shows 543,000 BTU's daily averaged in the coldest month, probably colder at night, and probably underestimates needs on the colder days of the month. Again, this is at 2200 sq feet, but expect another 400
Wood: Mainly douglas fir around here. Some cottonwood when its free. No hardwood.
Burn time max / average:
King: 40 / 10-20
Princess: 30 / 8-14
Ashford: 30 / 8-13
Summit: 10 / ?
Quadra: 14 / ?
Heating capability:
K: 1500 - 3000
P: 1,200 - 2,500
A: 1,100 – 2,400
S: "for large spaces" whatever that means
Q: 1400 - 3700
Ugliness/size rating:
Blaze King / princess = 100% ugly, which is why the Ashford comes up. Size is humongous too, which is a big negative.
Obviously want a company that will be around in the future. Currently have some obscure, Montana-made fireplace.
Bottom line:
Problem is, if Blaze King with options is $3500, then flue is $2000 to upgrade to 8 inch, and installation is $500, so $6k total, or $2500 above princess and others. Combined with that it is the bulkiest/least attractive of the fireplaces, this seems like a tough decision, yet all the other models seem on the border of being able to heat my house on cold nights, but not sure.
However being able to get far more than 10 hours burn time, automatic non-electric thermostat, able to run in fall/spring, bring me back to BK, but not sure if princess/ashford are big enough for my case. Note that about 3 - 4 rooms are upstairs--i figure heat rises, but not sure how much here.
Links to each:
(broken link removed)
1. practical/real experience from owners, as well as what other factors set these apart,
2. most importantly, is it going to work well for my specific situation:
3. I dont want to spend more than i need to.
4. High efficiency of course, which prob means catalyst. I looked at the EPA file as my starting point.
5. Are there other fireplaces I should be looking at?
4. Usage goal: Be able to run off wood year round if needed. Second, to use for cooking when electricity is out (again, long term here).
Usage scenario:
First, about the house:
Sq ft: House will probably be 2600 (+/- 100) sq ft after add-on completed. Two rooms are upstairs currently, and the extra two will also be upstairs..
Climate: -20F some nights and strong winds in NE Idaho.. -30's have happened, but rare.
House insulation: house is about 20 years old. Not sure how well insulated.
Flue: 6 inch currently, so if upgrading to King, then I was quoted an extra $1500-$2500 to replace with 8" flue. Not sure if this price is typical, but a barrier for sure.
Usability year round: Sounds like only the Blaze king works well on cool (not cold) days, is that right? This seems to be a pretty strong factor.
Current gas heating use: Last year gas bill shows 543,000 BTU's daily averaged in the coldest month, probably colder at night, and probably underestimates needs on the colder days of the month. Again, this is at 2200 sq feet, but expect another 400
Wood: Mainly douglas fir around here. Some cottonwood when its free. No hardwood.
Burn time max / average:
King: 40 / 10-20
Princess: 30 / 8-14
Ashford: 30 / 8-13
Summit: 10 / ?
Quadra: 14 / ?
Heating capability:
K: 1500 - 3000
P: 1,200 - 2,500
A: 1,100 – 2,400
S: "for large spaces" whatever that means
Q: 1400 - 3700
Ugliness/size rating:
Blaze King / princess = 100% ugly, which is why the Ashford comes up. Size is humongous too, which is a big negative.
Obviously want a company that will be around in the future. Currently have some obscure, Montana-made fireplace.
Bottom line:
Problem is, if Blaze King with options is $3500, then flue is $2000 to upgrade to 8 inch, and installation is $500, so $6k total, or $2500 above princess and others. Combined with that it is the bulkiest/least attractive of the fireplaces, this seems like a tough decision, yet all the other models seem on the border of being able to heat my house on cold nights, but not sure.
However being able to get far more than 10 hours burn time, automatic non-electric thermostat, able to run in fall/spring, bring me back to BK, but not sure if princess/ashford are big enough for my case. Note that about 3 - 4 rooms are upstairs--i figure heat rises, but not sure how much here.
Links to each:

King 40 - Blaze King
At 81% efficiency the King is the most efficient wood stove in the world. This allows you to get the most heat out of your wood to reduce your heating costs. The King has the largest and deepest firebox of any stove on the market and is for serious wood burners. This stove is great for families...

Princess 32 (PE32) - Blaze King
The Princess 32 (PE32) has a large 2.91 cu.ft. firebox and has a thermostat to automatically control the heat output (no electricity required). Our deep firebox design, 6” from the door opening to the bottom of the firebox, minimizes any chance of coals rolling forward and out of the firebox...

Ashford 30.2 - Blaze King
Our craftsmen used the timeless medium of cast iron to create a beautiful and elegant piece of furniture with detailed relief and curves. The Ashford is available in painted metallic black, cast gray and chestnut gloss enamel. Burled walnut is carved for the door and bypass handles. This creates...

Summit LE – Pacific Energy

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