I'd use the Have-a-Heart to keep it still so i could shoot it! Just kidding. We used to have a racoon as a pet when we were a kid in upstate N.Y.. We raised it on a bottle as my dad found it working on a tree crew. I guess they cut down the den tree. They are smart and have a lot of dexterity. It roamed free on the farm, and would come inside and have the run of the house. It finally grew up, and went away for the a couple of seasons but brought its mate back to the house. We heard him one night, and went outside and he and his mate (i assume anyway) ere up in a small mapel on the side lawn. He came down to some scraps, but the mate was wary and remained in the tree. We never saw them again after that.
On the flip side, we used to hunt them also, and getting one tangled up with a dog, can be bad for the dog especially if there is water nearby. They can get real nasty, so be careful
On the flip side, we used to hunt them also, and getting one tangled up with a dog, can be bad for the dog especially if there is water nearby. They can get real nasty, so be careful