Hmmm, interesting call. Bark doesn't look quite right to me, but the wood does. I know I've seen those popped-loose center-plug cylinders when splitting, but don't recall if it was Red Maple.That looks a bit like red maple to me.
That's what I thought at first, but I didn't see the medullary rays in the closeup pics of the end grain. And the bark on the "green" ones is pretty close to the other bark.The green trunks looked like red oak to me.
This is a red maple in my yard. Could be the picture or my eyes but looks very close to me?
I agree; pics in post 7 and 8 don't show rays. But I don't see which of the two colors trunks those are, and the dirt and quality of the pics doesn't help. The color of the wood there is also too whitish for oak and looks like a maple family, I agree.That's what I thought at first, but I didn't see the medullary rays in the closeup pics of the end grain. And the bark on the "green" ones is pretty close to the other bark.
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