quadrafire 1100 pellet stove does nothing after blowing fuse n replacing it

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have you thought about yanking out the pellet stove and replacing it with a wood burning insert, if your chimney supports one? They can be had quite cheaply on craigslist.
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I'm testing the wire coming from harness along with the only other one I can get a reading from, 178 volts?? But I traced the blue lead coming from harness to the combustion fan cap and nothing. I'm confused what this jumper wire is. If it's factory or another add on by the original owner, there's been a few. Also cap to exhausted blower just sparked a lil and fan quit I wiggled them and it started again. So there may be something there.
How many wires attach to the combustion blower motor?
Have you looked at the boxes of stove operation? So you know what sequence the stove uses? Remember things were shorted out at least 3 times. I am betting your combustion/exhaust fan is fine. May need some tlc on the wires and capacitor if it was sparking. The convection fan(fan that blows hot air into room), wont come on until stove gets warm enough, or if you jump the wires together. Thing you need to do is make sure of Combustion blower. Whether it is good or bad, or wiring to it is bad. Then go on to next phase. Check with Harvey or tj, as they are better at electrical then I am as it is my weak point. kap
Should be 4 counting the green ground, but that could be gone.
Question is why was there a spark from the capacitor?
Said to check connector, may just be a bad or loose connection, dirty? Said he's never seen a cap go bad on a pellet stove. Doubts it's a problem. Said to do exactly what you are having me do. Component by component and check wiring harness for continuity
Thank you, but I'm getting there I think. Don't like what I'm finding but here goes. Snap disc #1 goes to the cap that runs the combustion fan, not power to snap disc. And that comes from the box. Control box. So I'm unsure of it it should have power right on start up? I believe so as the anger won't turn till you have vacuum and no vacuum till the combustion fan is running. I've learned a lot from you guys and hands on trial and error. Do I sound correct on this that that process is right or does something else need to happen before the power is sent to snap disc #1. I cleaned the connection on the other cap that sparked so far so good I think it was dust bunnies shorting it a bit. Hate those bunnies.
That manual is priceless!!!! Wish I'd had it sooner, thanks so much. Will have to study it though. I'm confused Already as it contradicts itself on the combustion fan. Says the control box has nothing to do with it that it's controlled by #1 snap disc then it says if I've checked them and all is well and still no fan to replace the .5 amp fuse on board if blown, if continues to blow replace board. My .5 amp is not blown. But if snap disc controls fan then why is it then saying to replace box. Can I swap snap disc 2 power just to see it fan runs? Section 8 of manual if anyone wants to read it.
The #1 snap disc only runs the CONVECTION fans. These are the fans that blow the hot air into the room. Snap disc #2 will shut the auger down if stove overheats. Snap disc #3 will shut whole stove down if a fire tries to feed back into hopper. These two switches only shut stove down in case of a problem. They have nothing to do with the exhaust fan! The rest you pretty much have right. Keep looking at the boxes and their sequence. You have to follow the power. And remember that it is only their when stove is calling for heat. You have the call light. Next step is the combustion fan/exhaust fan(this is the same fan, just two different names for it). This is the fan you are having trouble with. If wiring is good, and no power to it, then the control box is burnt. kap
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Yes, you are getting totally confused with the fans. You have TWO convection fans, one on each side, that blow hot air into the room once the stove heats up. The other fan is, WE ARE ASSUMING, the one you are having trouble with but I'm not sure of anything after reading these posts! You said 'the other capacitor'. Unless ALL of the fans have capacitors, the schematic shows one capacitor for the combustion fan. We need pictures!!!!!
Pictures on way, there is one cap for exhaust fan one cap for the combustion fan. The guy at dealers store argued that point till I found a picture then he said there are 2 different 1100I models I have the other, lol. I'm truly sorry if I'm confusing you guys. I'll slow down and double check my posts before posting them.
[Hearth.com] quadrafire 1100 pellet stove does nothing after blowing fuse n replacing it looks like one big cap but it's 2 one on bottom of picture is combustion fan , other on top is exhaust fan.


  • [Hearth.com] quadrafire 1100 pellet stove does nothing after blowing fuse n replacing it
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Well it may have posted 2 pictures. One speaking of 1 in top picture. Bottom picture the cap is on left, exhaust fan cap on right, they are side by side. Sorry about flash. The guy at dealers said other model only had 1cap
The technical manual said that the control box doesn't control fans, any of them, that snap disc does. Then says to replace snap disc so it's good and check wires if they are good then check .5 amp fuse on board if blown replace if continues to blow then replace box. If it has nothing to do with the fans why even check it is what I'm confused about. But honestly common sense is telling me that it sends power to the #1 disc so if not power then board must be bad unless in the start up something else must happen before power is sent to disc. I'm sure that's not it that the #1 disc must power up on start up to run combustion fan and then run auger. But my igniter isn't coming on either. And it's good and has power to it. Snap disc 1 as well?? Still studying. Thanks I'm almost home I think.
You're a long way from home, I think! AGAIN, you have two CONVECTION FANS, one on each side. You have ONE combustion/exhaust fan. They are called two different things by different companies/people. It appears that all the fans have capacitor start. I bet if you open up the other side and look at that fan, there will be one capacitor over there too.
As Kap said, Snap #1 on our stoves controls the CONVECTION FAN, not the combustion fan. It has power to it all the time and is ready to start the CONVECTION FAN when the stove gets hot enough. Look at the schematics in the 1200 manual. I'll attach the owners manual for the 1200 that has the schematic all in one. I'm assuming that the 1100 is close in design. I still think you need to invite your electrician buddy over to actually look at your stove and trace wires. There really aren't a lot of them.


The 1200 is completely different from mine dealer says. And yes they are called different things by different companies. These are large convection and small convection fans and a negative exhaust blower.
Well I've been reading and now have fans figured out as to what does what with exception of one that just says that it relievers air to the front of the stove. The other heats the room, I'm guessing they both do? And the exhaust also creates the vacuum which should run the auger but it's not. So that's why there's no power to that fan because it has to reach the proper temp? Am I close? Lol
that is correct. The large and small convection fan blow the heat into the room. The negative exhaust blower is the one you need to get running.
Can't see much of it, but the fan in picture looks like a convection fan