I am very bitter when it comes to paying for propane..back in 1997 my wife went into labor with our daughter and before we sped off to the hospital I checked the tank and saw I was getting low so I called our local strangle hold supplier who only required a 2 day notice and asked to have the tank filled...fast forward 4 days...we arrive home with our newborn and after I get the family settled in I go out to the tank to retrieve the bill as the driver would leave it under the fill hood.I raise the hood to find no bill and the needle flat lined! Frantic because of the sub-zero wind chills I called them up and asked why my tank had not been filled? I explained to them I had just brought our newborn home and I wanted the damn tank filled! They assured me I was a dumb arse and that I had plenty left for the overnight and that the driver would be there in the am...you guessed it it ran out at 2:30 in the morning...another call and they send someone out with 100 gallons..and then they send me a bill this time with a $150 emergency fill fee! I blew up on the poor woman and refused to pay it and told them their tank would be setting by the road way.I followed through and had a Woodmaster boiler in by the end of week while we got by with fireplace.Never again will I be at their mercy..