Here's some photos of the house we bought in November. The decking has all been replaced now - the work was just finished last week - but I don't have photos of that yet.The tree to the right is a hickory that I'm planning to convert into heat - there's another, larger hickory to the left that will probably suffer the same fate. In fact, there are probably a dozen or so hardwood trees that I can take down myself - and a storm took down a huge hickory in the woods off to the right after these pictures were taken.
Gotta look close - but the house is left of center in the back. The structure to the right of the pond is our post and beam barn. The pond itself is about a half acre in size and is entirely on our property.
Full wrap around decking - all 4 sides. The south side main portion of the new deck is 12'X36'.
There's a large open fireplace on the main floor and in the basement there's a Franklin fireplace in what will be my office when we move in over the next few months. we're planning to get a VC Merrimack insert for the living room and maybe a Jotul 602 for my office.
This picture was taken by the realtor from the living room - it looks like there's another building across the pond - but there isn't...that's actually the reflection in the glass slider door of the camera she used. Beyond those trees across the pond is a road.
and this is the barn - a lot of that overgrowth around it has been trimmed back and the brush pile to the left is gone - but there are plenty of brush and limb piles all around the yard (2.5 acres) so I'll have plenty of kindling.