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looks like Bonanventure Island Perce. What an adventure that was 43 years ago. I remember the roadside sales where they would step into the road trying to sell huge loafs of oven bread, and off duty fisherman trying to sell model wooden ships they carved by hand. The island had a lot of fossils in the shattered rock. Fun place.

We visited relatives in Saint Hyacinthe, Quebec many years ago and they lived along a river. I remember walking along the edge of the water and there were fossils everywhere in the rock. The rock was broken up and looked like a type of shale. They were just little shell fossils, but lots of them.
Subaru fan myself . . . wife has an "older" Legacy (2003) that she says she will eventually trade for a newer Legacy or Outback.

Me . . . I would love for my next car to be an impractical WRX, STI or the BRZ even.
We have a 2003 Subaru Outback LL Bean addition. 6 cyl.. bought it used with 85,000.. It's been a great car....friend has a WRX all moded up, straight cut gears in the tranny from the factory, etc. He said he lets Vets think they have him beat and then he puts the pedal all the way down :). His friend has one all powered up and a sticker on the back that says " you just got beat by a station wagon ";lol OK back to where you live,,, sorry;)
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I found this picture online of what is called Saddle Mountain which is a part of New Creek Mountain. It was taken at the Rt. 50 Rt. 42 intersection which is 10 miles from my house
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Mt. Storm Lake or most commonly called VEPCO by locals nestled atop the Allegheny mountains in Grant County WV 20 miles from my house This is a very popular swimming and boating spot. You can't see them from this picture but there are houses and cabins on the other side of the lake. Because of the power plant the water is heated to bath water temperatures and never drops below 50 degrees even in the winter.
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First two are home. The second is of the mountains and ocean all within an hours drive. Click or tap to open the pictures for full view.


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Whwen you said BAja, you meant it! At least there is another Subaru fan on this site!!! Yay!

Oh yeah, very capable vehicle. A bit more ground clearance and it would be really something. Wish they hadn't stopped making them, I could go for one in the next gen legacy style (not current, the one before). We're fans of the subies until the toyota years when they started to be rebadged 'yotas. A friend of ours has an STi, those are sick cars.

more scenic Baja'n, this was a ROAD, with a name somewhere around Keene in the Adirondacks. One of the prettiest places in the state, the central and high peaks. a good 8 or so hour drive from us though.

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We have a 2003 Subaru Outback LL Bean addition. 6 cyl.. bought it used with 85,000.. It's been a great car....friend has a WRX all moded up, straight cut gears in the tranny from the factory, etc. He said he lets Vets think they have him beat and then he puts the pedal all the way down :). His friend has one all powered up and a sticker on the back that says " you just got beat by a station wagon ";lol OK back to where you live,,, sorry;)
LOL> Nice. I have a 2010 forester and 2005 impreza. They love the snow!!!
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Subaru fan myself . . . wife has an "older" Legacy (2003) that she says she will eventually trade for a newer Legacy or Outback.

Me . . . I would love for my next car to be an impractical WRX, STI or the BRZ even.
Jake, I didn't think people in Maine were big fans of Subaru ;) Just kidding. Anybody that gets snow where they live and has not driven a subaru don't know what they're missing out on. Subarus become skidoos with the proper winter tires!!

I agree on the next car impratically desire. I have a 2 year old and 2 month old. Getting them in a WRX/STi or BRZ aint happening. AGH. 10 years from now I will get a nice gift for myself.
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Well, I would have to say that members know about living life! Hard for us all to imagine, but most folks don't live in places as grand and/or natural....

We currently have a two-fer, as we keep a summer and weekend cottage in coastal RI as well as our residence in W. Mass.
Both places have world class scenery and recreation.

Too many pics, but here is one of each...
View attachment 89067View attachment 89068
Let's trade homes for a year!
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gmule, what trails are those? Are they in SW Colordo, Red mountain?
gmule, what trails are those? Are they in SW Colordo, Red mountain?

That particular trail is Redcone Pass Just south of Bailey Colorado on US 285.

This link has more information about it.

This is a pretty technical trail for motorcycles but if you can handle the rocks the first few miles the scenery is well worth it.
Here is one of the tamer rocky sections.
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Looks like a blast. I'd love to have some trails like that closer, maybe I'll have to haul my bike out there sometime.
Have you heard about the BDR routes? Supposed to go across Colorado on forest service roads.
Here's a link
Yes I have heard of them. We have hundreds if not thousands of miles of forest service roads to ride. I plan on plating my old Yamaha in the pictures to go ride on one or two of them trips.

I also ride a street bike in the summer .
Here are a couple of the ride into the city for work

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That particular trail is Redcone Pass Just south of Bailey Colorado on US 285.

This link has more information about it.

This is a pretty technical trail for motorcycles but if you can handle the rocks the first few miles the scenery is well worth it.
Here is one of the tamer rocky sections.
(broken image removed)
Beautiful! I would like to go at it in my RZR.
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View out our back yard.View attachment 89286

your state looks so much like Maine. I was stationed onece at a Radar site north of Duluth. Lots of big fish. Northern Pike the size of a leg! Black bear getting into our garbabe. Snow so deep you could ride your snow mobile right up onto the house roof.
Here's some photos of the house we bought in November. The decking has all been replaced now - the work was just finished last week - but I don't have photos of that yet.The tree to the right is a hickory that I'm planning to convert into heat - there's another, larger hickory to the left that will probably suffer the same fate. In fact, there are probably a dozen or so hardwood trees that I can take down myself - and a storm took down a huge hickory in the woods off to the right after these pictures were taken.

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Gotta look close - but the house is left of center in the back. The structure to the right of the pond is our post and beam barn. The pond itself is about a half acre in size and is entirely on our property.

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Full wrap around decking - all 4 sides. The south side main portion of the new deck is 12'X36'.
There's a large open fireplace on the main floor and in the basement there's a Franklin fireplace in what will be my office when we move in over the next few months. we're planning to get a VC Merrimack insert for the living room and maybe a Jotul 602 for my office.

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This picture was taken by the realtor from the living room - it looks like there's another building across the pond - but there isn't...that's actually the reflection in the glass slider door of the camera she used. Beyond those trees across the pond is a road.

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and this is the barn - a lot of that overgrowth around it has been trimmed back and the brush pile to the left is gone - but there are plenty of brush and limb piles all around the yard (2.5 acres) so I'll have plenty of kindling.
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