Possibly the holy grail of wood scores ***Edit in OP, Got 4 truckloads of Osage Orange

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CountryBoy19 said:
midwestcoast said:
Man you are killin me here ...

I know it would be best to get them both, and if thats the case I would go get the Osage first because the guy with the Locust says his pasture clearing is going to be about a 2 year project. I have plenty of time to cut wood at his place, I just don't want somebody else to get in there and grab all the locust (he's letting multiple people cut AFAIK).

I think you try and manage both. Get them both started and establish the relationship. Given the closer one is a 2 year project you have time to figure out how to work this. Figure out from each guy what kind of timing and response will be acceptable for them and work off of that. Most people dont want to be dealing with multiple "strangers", so if you can establish the relationship and manage expectations to their satisfaction you are golden.

Finding a wood burning partner who has room for storage is a great idea....you may not know one now but I find more and more wood burners as time goes by (sort of like when you buy a car, you see them on the road all over).
CB19 If you get into the Osage and there are any straight pieces dont cut them up. For guys that make long bows straight pieces of Osage are a great find and they will pay a premium. So if you find any 8-10" diameter stuff (or larger) that you can get an 8 foot straight log out of dont buck it up.

Now there is a real good chance there wont be any, most Hedgeapple trees and crooked little things.

Oh and if you go to cut it up get familiar with sharpening your chain, that stuff will dull a chain real fast
Grabbed another load of locust last night. Well, actually a half load. There was a small downed cherry (I think I said it was birch earlier) on the ground that he wanted me to take, and then a really small standing dead tree that I can't identify. The standing dead really was pretty dry because of it's small size; should be no problem burning that this year.

The guy with the Osage finally emailed back, I should be going to meet with him tonight. Hopefully I'll bring back a decent load of Osage tonight then I'll go grab another in the morning. Going camping this weekend with family so I'll get a good break this weekend then back at it Monday (Columbus Day) when I'm off.
My birthday gift! From my wife!

Can possibly be the holy grail?


  • [Hearth.com] Possibly the holy grail of wood scores ***Edit in OP, Got 4 truckloads of Osage Orange
    32.2 KB · Views: 539
iceman said:
My birthday gift! From my wife!

Can possibly be the holy grail?

What kind of wood? Completely free? How far do you have to drive for it? We need to know all these things before we can judge if it may be the holy grail of wood scores. :)
CountryBoy19 said:
We need to know all these things before we can judge if it may be the holy grail of wood scores. :)

The guy who has not posted a single pic through this entire thread is demanding things?
CountryBoy19 said:
iceman said:
My birthday gift! From my wife!

Can possibly be the holy grail?

What kind of wood? Completely free? How far do you have to drive for it? We need to know all these things before we can judge if it may be the holy grail of wood scores. :)

I gotta go up there, its about 20 miles away I would need a cherry picker to get to that stuff! It's about 1/2 mile long or maybe longer ... its mixed hard/softwood but it is separated
..... and I have no place to put it
Hedge supposedly throws lots of sparks and pops like crazy when burned. Never rots. Never.

I've made bows from it- crazy hard, dense, and tough to split. I'd love to have some to burn.
If one finds said Holy Grail of wood scores, beware of the Killer Rabbit!


  • [Hearth.com] Possibly the holy grail of wood scores ***Edit in OP, Got 4 truckloads of Osage Orange
    29.9 KB · Views: 437
Sisu said:
If one finds said Holy Grail of wood scores, beware of the Killer Rabbit!

SolarAndWood said:
CountryBoy19 said:
We need to know all these things before we can judge if it may be the holy grail of wood scores. :)

The guy who has not posted a single pic through this entire thread is demanding things?

LOL, good point, but what exactly do you want pictures of? A truckload of locust? I'll take a picture next load I grab and see if I can get it uploaded. You want pictures of my lack of space? One of my co-workers that lives near me keeps asking when I'll have the wood fort finished... I've got a 110' row across the back of my property and I'm going to start on the side with my locust.

Sisu said:
If one finds said Holy Grail of wood scores, beware of the Killer Rabbit!
I know, I thought I heard him creeping up on me the other night but alas, it was only a bird.
Yes, only one thing to do when you encounter the Rabbit...Runaway! Runaway!!.....

Double those rows CB19, with a little room in-between. You'll have plenty of time for it to dry out as you've got enough for a few years. Neighbors be damned.
midwestcoast said:
Yes, only one thing to do when you encounter the Rabbit...Runaway! Runaway!!.....

Double those rows CB19, with a little room in-between. You'll have plenty of time for it to dry out as you've got enough for a few years. Neighbors be damned.
Oh, they'll definitely be more than doubled. Except the one behind my house is actually on the neighbors field. I only have a 1 year agreement to keep it there. I'm sure I will be able to renew that, but I don't really want to get 20 cord stacked there and then the owner wants it moved. I'll probably keep that single row unless I absolutely have nowhere else to put it. Then, worst case scenario, if it has to be moved next year, I'll just sell it as seasoned wood and make some money.
bsearcey said:
Also, don't forget about the lumber value of it too. If you've got as much as it sounds like you could, save as many of the straight pieces as you can to sell. Wood workers love that stuff in particular bow makers. You could get you some new toys with a few decent size pieces.

Alright, I'll start taking bids. I have an 16-18" diameter by 9' long piece of osage that is the straightest I've ever seen with no knots in it. What do you say? Start the bidding at $100?

Ok, in all seriousness what is this worth? Is it worth my time or should I just cut it up? It's probably the only straight piece I'm going to get.

Btw, after I talked to the guy about the value of Osage Orange he about crapped himself. He had about 60 trees that he already bulldozed and burned. He said there were quite a few good, straight ones in it. :(
Go on Ebay and look up osage and see what they want for a 2x2 x 6ft I think piece and then you will have your value. You might look up someone in Bedford or that area who might be able to mill that piece for you and there you go.

No charge for the info.;-)

Ended up getting 4 truck loads of Osage out of the deal. Not too bad.

The guy said he bull-dozed and burned about 45 Osage trees earlier this year. I would have loved to be able to get that those. I guess I'll live with 4 truck loads though.
CountryBoy19 said:
I'll just have to use my Ash, Hard Maple, and Oak in the shoulder season then. :)

CB, that is just too cruel! >:(

Seriously, nice score. Don't burn a hole in your stove with it, that's some potent firepower you've got there.

Hey, I'd go get all the locust you can get as well, even if it's all of 16 miles away. Nice thing about hedge and locust, they won't ever rot on you. I won't ever see hedge in my stove where I am, but I got enough shagbark and locust to get me through the coldest nights this season, about 1 1/2 cord altogether. They're good enough for me. Drop some of that on top of my usual cherry/ash blend and wake up to a warm house for sure. ;-)
Battenkiller said:
CountryBoy19 said:
I'll just have to use my Ash, Hard Maple, and Oak in the shoulder season then. :)

Hey, I'd go get all the locust you can get as well, even if it's all of 16 miles away.
I plan to get locust, but if there is a source 4 mi away vs. 16 miles away then I may as well just be patient and go after the stuff that's only 4 miles away. If that source doesn't work out then I do plan to return to the other place for the locust. Ultimately I'm going to be limited on storage space; I can probably only keep about 20 cords around and that's if I completely fill all of my yard on the side of the house, so I don't want to get in a big hurry driving extra distance to get wood.
Time for some pallet racks and a forklift
Hey CB19, I could be mistaken........ But wasn't you the fella that had all the issues w/ the little lady and the wood pile close to the deck? If so, How's she fairing with this situation?
Ok I just flipped through three pages of this thread and read a lot of braggin about all this great wood this "country boy" was scoring, but I didn't see one scrap of photographic evidence!!!
I'm calling foul. >:(

Time to produce some pictures me thinks.
wood dope said:
Hey CB19, I could be mistaken........ But wasn't you the fella that had all the issues w/ the little lady and the wood pile close to the deck? If so, How's she fairing with this situation?

We worked out our problems; we came to an agreement on leaving the wood there and she will be more involved in deciding where the stacks go next time. All I had to do was allow her to get a cat for mousing purposes only. She said if it doesn't keep the mice away we can get rid of it.

Carbon_Liberator said:
Ok I just flipped through three pages of this thread and read a lot of braggin about all this great wood this "country boy" was scoring, but I didn't see one scrap of photographic evidence!!!
I'm calling foul. >:(

Time to produce some pictures me thinks.

I took a picture of my 4th truckload before I unloaded it, now I just have to find my card reader to get it on my computer then uploaded, maybe tomorrow if I don't work overtime.
Man, I wish my husband would go and cut wood for me... Lousy city boy.

I hear you on not having any space to store it- I'll see your .4 and raise you .7 acres. But I live in a trailer park so nobody gives a chit. =P

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