Yes, you are correct!
I compare the effecta and Froling lambda control and operating systems to that of an oxygen acetylene torch (they maintain the correct ratio of primary/secondary inlet air to create a purple/blue flame and the "perfect burn" at all times throughout he entire 5 hour burn cycle). If the oxygen acetalyle torch is adjusted for too much acetylene it has a yellow flame and emits black soot. If the torch is adjusted for oxygen only it will not have a flame. However, once the ratio of oxygen and acetylene is perfected, a nice blue/pruple flame will cut through a 1/2" plate of steel
When the effecta lambda 35 boiler is first started up it is cold and does not have a complete bed of hot coals. Thus, the lambda control system will default to a 70% primary / 30% secondary draft opening scenario.
Once the smoke/chimney temperature (which is displayed on the control panel) hits 101C the lambda control system then opens up the primary 100% and closes the secondary 100% so that a hot bed of coals is established as soon as possible.
From this point the boiler obliviously gets hotter and then the lambda control system closes the primary draft opening and opens the secondary draft opening in a effort to maintain the Target CO2 % setting.
This automatic opening and closing of the primary and secondary draft openings occurs throughout the entire 5 hour burn, thus ensuring maximum heat output, minimum wood consumption and minimum emissions.
Hope this helps!