Glass looks pretty dirty in that first pic
I think I may have found out why the glass was picking up some gunk..I started cleaning it with a scouring pad (ceramic stove-top safe) and 50/50 distilled vinegar and water, and the gunk was really stubborn. Then I noticed a weird pattern on the glass. I think something may have been deposited on the glass during assembly, or something. I scrubbed the living daylights out of the glass and finally got it pretty clean. I may hit it again before the next fire, just to make sure, but the glass looked good after last night's fire, just a couple of very thin strips of slight discoloration up the edges of the glass on both sides.our glass never looks like that
I finally remembered to look at where the stove temp went the other night, when I thought it was running pretty well, and low. Tin foil marker indicated about 500, so I was happy with that burn. Here's a pic of yesterday's load, Silver Maple (I think that round on top is Elm.) That fire lit off the secondary early again, and when I looked at the stove top meter, it had again peaked around 500. I may yet get the hang of this thing!