For a moment, let's assume nothing is wrong with the insert. There may be, but it would be uncommon and the flue system is not that tall. Tell us more about the house and the installation.
Are there any ducted runs off the fireplace?
Does the house have a positive pressure fresh air system?
What else is adjacent to the fireplace room or the vaulted ceiling area and how tall at the peak? Is there a nearby stairwell to a second floor? If you can post a floorplan sketch that may help, particularly if the fireplace is ducted.
Is there a ceiling fan in the vaulted ceiling area?
Are there any ducted runs off the fireplace?
Does the house have a positive pressure fresh air system?
What else is adjacent to the fireplace room or the vaulted ceiling area and how tall at the peak? Is there a nearby stairwell to a second floor? If you can post a floorplan sketch that may help, particularly if the fireplace is ducted.
Is there a ceiling fan in the vaulted ceiling area?
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