Highbeam said:billb3 said:Just how cold is this outside air going to be by the time it gets into the firebox ?
Is everyone running nitrogen cooled tubes ?
The condensation running off the tubes must be ruining everyone's floors.
I've made it a habit of feeling my tube (OMG!) for temperature when it is really cold out just to verify that I am sucking cold outside air and that it really is working. The tube is always colder than room air but never cold enough to condense water. Probably due to the 25% RH in the stove room. The single pane windows seem to be much colder and easily collect condenstion in adjacent rooms.
To be honest, I feel the chimney pipe too for heat so I am a tube feeling fool.
Mine condensates. I ran steel vent pipe and when it is under 20 out it will condensate. Recently it was in the single digits and frost formed on the first foot of pipe.