Woke up in the middle of the night with the smoke detectors going off... My house was soooo filled with smoke.. We have an alarm service and so fire department was dispatched... YIKES
It was horrible and scary... The stove is only 2 years old... Is this normal?? I have never had an issue and its been cleaned anually... The fire department had to put it out with water and I sucked it all out as best as possible.. Its a st croix... I guess I will be calling them and the dealership tomorrow.... UGGG!! I am afraid to use a stove now!! I wont lite it... Got the oil furnace going but gosh $4k and now I will be afraid to use it...
PS when the fire department came out he said, wow, weird.. the pellets aren't backed up the chute or anything.. Its was just the normal amount of pellets in the pit and then tons of smoke in the hopper... He did say it's probably from the wind (experienceing blizzard like conditions here in Rhode island) I just don't know... I have no confidence with a pellet stove anymore...