Hello! My Harman Advance stopped sometime during the night. No blinking lights in the morning. I unplugged it and plugged it back in and it came on just like normal. We were sitting around and my wife noticed a burning smell. Like electrical. We always look for fire. Noticed a very small amount of smoke coming out of the vent on top of the stove just in front of the hopper door, on the left side. I took off the left side panel and couldn't really see any smoke or anything burning. Turned the temp dial all the way down to 50 (that is how we turn it off). Let it all cool down for a few hours (was not that hot since it didn't run long before we saw the smoke) and figured I better clean it out. IT WAS FULL! Okay so I was definitely negligent here. The ashes were all the way up over the burn pot and had burned in the burn pot in such s way as to create black solids that pushed the flame guide out from the back wall. Definitely negligent on my part. I cleaned everything out very well, put it all back together and turned it on. Started smoking again on the left side. This time I had a infrared temp sensor and noticed the board seemed really hot. I finally figured out that the very back of the auger feed housing was off the chart with my heat sensor (over 400 degrees). It was making everything hot! Then I noticed the wired that were touching it were melting and smoking. I turned it off
Kept looking around in the back, opened the hopper and it seemed just fine (it was full). Started scooping out all the pellets because I had a bad feeling that fire had gone back up in the auger to the hopper. Got down to the bottom of the pellets in the hopper and sure enough there was a fire on top of the metal slide gate. I closed the hopper door and let it all burn out the last remaining handful of pellets. I did have to mist a little bit of water in there to cool it down and on top of the hopper lid to keep the lid cool because it was just hot enough to make the hopper door rubber gasket sticky. I didn't want it ruined. So I let it all rest of few days and cleaned up. Took the inspection door off the hopper slide door and there were hardly any fines in there. All seemed good. Then I started running it in test mode (no pellets) and watched the feed slide in the bottom of the hopper go back and forth, open and closed. All seemed fine but every couple of cycles it stopped when it was partly open. Now here is my question: Shouldn't the feed door be closing all the time at the end of any call for pellets? It doesn't. Sometimes the feed motor stops and leave the door partly open. Then I noticed that the metal slide has nothing to lock in place when it is closed. I think that his how my hopper fire started: The blocked burn pot basically filled the auger and shaft full of pellets and the auger, oddly enough, turns in the direction that opens the feed door. And that bothers me now. I am thinking my auger should have been made to turn the opposite way so it could never push open the slide door and so that it always stops with the feed door closed but it doesn't do that. It stops in random places and sometimes the feed door is open and sometimes it is closed. Is that normal design? I know it is not bullet proof for a hopper fire with this design. And again, I know I was negligent on cleaning, I was late and totally missed it. Thank you very much for all your help in advance.

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