Yes & we did it all on the back of cheap oil, that was the real engine driving the "sky is the limit" train & that engine is close empty & there isnt a fuel station in least not a fuel station that we can we are going to have to change whether we like it or not & many of us wont. I am sure many europeans did not like the changes they had to make post WWII.....they had few choices either change, move or perish. For many of us moving to a new nation is a no go so we will have 2 choices & the last one is permanent.
I hope having to conserve/use less does not drive us into a suicide frenzy. I am not sure if the Grand Canyon can hold us all should we decide to step off the edge rather than make do with less. Now there is a volume calc to try & wrap my brain around. Maybe they should take away the guns.... just in case it turns into a homicide frenzy! Thats a lot of bodies to clean up
! Maybe if we kill each other to the last one standing then the continent will be open for someone else to settle. I hear south east asia has a large population that is looking for room to live.. NAH never mind lets just take away the guns & avoid temptation.
I have exposure to western europreans as well on an annual basis at the cold climate building expo held in Edmonton. Yes they are polite sometimes to a fault, as until they have you in a private conversation they wont really tell you what they think of how wasteful we are with the resources we use. For them the equation is simple conservation of the resource is #1 all other factors are considered only while keeping #1 in the forefront of your thoughts. Many have told me that what they see on their trips over here would simply never be approved by the governing bodies in their nations as it is far too wasteful of non renewable resources & is therefore prohibited. They are not limiting their observations just to building science/practice either, as much of what they see in our nation/communities is to them very simply..... unsustainable.
OK lunch time is over back to work for me.