This is the interesting relationship between alternative fuels and carbon fuels. You can't be all in on one side because you then don't have any choice and no purchasing power. With alternative fuel, you can hedge your fuels and spread your risks. I see a lot of people getting rid of their pellet stove in the coming months only to regret it later on. Oil prices will rebound because producers can't keep extracting at these lows prices. They will go out of business. Once they are out prices will rebound. How long will this take? Don't know. But investment money for all these oil projects must be drying up.
The "oil" company where if get most of my information has switched their exploration to natural gas and has suspended any oil surveys because they have recognized that market forces are causing a collapse of price support and it doesn't make economic sense to look for new fields. I'm sure oil at some point way down the road will rise again but also keep in mind there are plenty of folks gouging in the alternative fuels market also. Lot of green to be made selling green energy.
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