We have a heat pump with a propane furnace back up and propane for cooking and hot water at the house in the country. We won't be full time residents there until my husband retires. The first year we were there, our propane tank rental had been paid by the builder. The second year, our propane tank rental balance due was higher than the amount we spent to refill the tank. I offered to buy a larger tank outright and on the spot if the company would waive the tank rental balance, and they did. (Reading some of your experiences above makes me see how lucky we are to have a cooperative propane supplier.)
We've been discussing an alternative heating source and we will have one installed, hopefully next year. The electricity is provided through a coop; rates aren't too bad but they are higher than buying electricity directly from the big utility like we do in town. And of course, propane is propane.
I was pushing hard for a wood stove, because if the power goes out in the winter we'd still have heat (as opposed to a pellet stove) and we wouldn't have to run a propane generator to provide electricity to use the blower on a propane fired furnace.
The Hubs was leaning toward an LP gas stove for the convenience factor- and we aren't getting any younger, and we won't be any younger when he retires. That causes me some pause too; I'm not blowing it off. We are in good shape, however, and we've watched a lot of other people keep their wood stoves going in the winter just to keep heating costs down as well as having a fail-safe back up heat source. This wood stove population includes elderly couples and elderly widows, who may compromise and have split wood delivered, but they still haul their own wood up to the house and tend their own stoves.
My husband isn't afraid of physical work or DIY but he was trying to be long-sighted and prudent.
He was impressed with the newer wood stoves at the Wood Stove Decathlon and had pretty much hopped on board with the wood stove idea- and then these stories about LP gas shortages and price spikes hit the news.
It's all but a done deal now- it won't happen this year, but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to get a nice wood stove for the country cottage.
And The Hubs gets a chain saw- something we've talked about getting in the past, but there really wasn't a need for it before.
We're hoping that we can start accumulating the wood this year.