That's where the Ashford differs from the king and princess.This last thing, 5 feet above the gutter, might be a problem. The chimney must meet the 10/2 rule and on a minimal 4:12 pitch roof that means more than 5 feet above the gutter. Do you know if your installation meets the 10/2 rule? If not, adding some flue will help your draft as well as the neighbor situation.
I load my stove after work at 6 or 7 pm and the cat does not go inactive by morning. In fact, the cat meter is almost always above the active line when I reload at 6 or 7pm the next day. These stoves burn for 30 hours and that means an active cat. I do none of this freshening up of the fire in the morning, I just leave for work.
I to never had to do any morning adjusting with the King. But with the Ashford I do. It has a lot to do with the air gap between the steel firebox top and the iron top. The convection air messes with the probe I think, I know for a fact that the blowers mess with it. I put a brass pipe nipple on mine to fill the void and the blower no longer has much effect on it.
Its either the convection air messin with it or its an effect of the steel cat. I'm not too sure yet. But it's not an issue with the stove necessarily, more with the thermometer. Also since its smaller than the king and throws "softer" heat by design, I need to crank it up in mornings regardless of what the thermometer says.