New 2 sided Supreme Duet

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Well I got all my final inspections yesterday and it looks like i will be moving in shortly, i had the fire place blazing pretty good when the inspector showed up and he was pretty amazed at the work.. when he looked in the closets on the side and asked what the digital temp reading of 110 degrees was, when i told him that is the temp of the air that is pumping upstairs in the bed rooms his jaw just about dropped! So far everything is working great and with a high outside of 33 yesterday i was able to maintain 69 degrees downstairs and 65 degrees upstairs in a 2320' sq house with my boiler off for over 10 hours!!! Still got some odds and ends to do like make the closet doors but for the most part i'm ready to start some lonnnng burns!!
[] New 2 sided Supreme Duet[] New 2 sided Supreme Duet [] New 2 sided Supreme Duet [] New 2 sided Supreme Duet
That is a very impressive setup. It looks spectacular. Thanks for the update.
A successful two sided setup! The holy grail! Keep us posted on the performance with that unit. I've kept my eye on this subject with a see through insert in mind- many options in the UK but not so many here.
sorry for the side ways pics, ?I am unsure how to straighten them out.. I have burned just about a cord of wood through the new unit! And as of tonight everything is working great! It is 29 degrees out and I am maintaining 70 degrees downstairs and 68 degrees upstairs with the boiler off, in a 2400 square foot house! still learning how to burn with this new unit, I'm sure once I get a little more experience with it I will get longer and more efficient burn times out of it..
Very nice. Good to hear this is working out well so far. Is the heat ducting working as hoped for?
Supreme is the manufacturer of the unit, yes everything is working as planed with the ducting of the unit in conjunction with my HVAC design of the house.. The warmest I have gotten the ducted air upstairs is 115 degrees.. don't want to push it too far.. But with pulling the return air of the HVAC system from the side of the house with the unit, I can pull the warm air from that side of the house and blended throughout, with some ceiling fans helping everything is blending very nicely! I still need to finish the closet doors and shelving,along with polyurethaning the rough cut cherry and black walnut mantels, can't wait to have everything done a hundred percent!
Unbelieveably gorgeous work. Is this what you do professionally? Do you have any other pictures of how you hooked up the ducts to the HVAC set up?
Supreme is the manufacturer of the unit, yes everything is working as planed with the ducting of the unit in conjunction with my HVAC design of the house.. The warmest I have gotten the ducted air upstairs is 115 degrees.. don't want to push it too far.. But with pulling the return air of the HVAC system from the side of the house with the unit, I can pull the warm air from that side of the house and blended throughout, with some ceiling fans helping everything is blending very nicely! I still need to finish the closet doors and shelving,along with polyurethaning the rough cut cherry and black walnut mantels, can't wait to have everything done a hundred percent!

How are the burn times, from full log to enough coals to self reignite without any aids

And why only 4 pieces If it's a 3 cubic foot firebox?
Absolutely beautiful work from design - demo - completion. The stone and hearths look fabulous. Enjoy
Thanks for all the compliments!

Unbelieveably gorgeous work. Is this what you do professionally? Do you have any other pictures of how you hooked up the ducts to the HVAC set up?
I'm a Mechanical contractor by trade, but i do not install fire places for a living.. This happens to be my first one other then some natural gas log inserts i've done.. but for the most part its that same principal as a hot air furnace.. The fire place is not hooked into my HVAC system at all.. It is it's own system.. With 2 fans under the unit that blow air out the front and the custom steel grates on each side.. Then there is inline-fan's in the duct work, with temp sensors on each side that are linked to thermostats for 2 of the bedrooms upstairs.. so when the thermostats call upstairs and the fireplace is hot enough it will pump heat upstairs.. if its not hot, it will not allow the fans to come on, so you wont get cold air pumping upstairs.. When i designed the HVAC system for the house, i ducted my A/C return air to pull from the end of the house that the fireplace is in, and ducted 2 hits to pull the hot air off the ceiling in the great room, so that when or if i start to get too hot on that side of the first floor i can turn my A/C unit to ''fan only" and it will pull the hot air from that end of the house and blend it through out the first floor.. Hope that explains it for you.. If you have any other questions let me know..

How are the burn times, from full log to enough coals to self reignite without any aids

And why only 4 pieces If it's a 3 cubic foot firebox?

The best i have seen is around 6-7 hours of burn time.. Ideally it needs to be loaded every 3-4 hours.. I can load it at 10pm, and at 5:30am there is just enough coals to get it going again.. The difference is that it is meant to heat up quick and disperse that heat out far.. unlike a stove that holds the heat for a long period of time..

Absolutely beautiful work from design - demo - completion. The stone and hearths look fabulous. Enjoy
Thanks!! Even though i designed it and got all the materials together, I cant take all the credit for the stone work, as i was the helper on that project.. Luckily one of my friends is an artist when it comes to that!
Greetings! We just purchased the Supreme Duet for our new construction and am excited to read more experiences.

Chum Stains - I think I had read that the firebox sits about 10" from the ground but yours looks a little higher. Is it 10"?

Any problems?

Greetings! We just purchased the Supreme Duet for our new construction and am excited to read more experiences.

Chum Stains - I think I had read that the firebox sits about 10" from the ground but yours looks a little higher. Is it 10"?

Any problems?

Great news! I would love to hear some experiences from some other people too!!

I'm unsure what it measures. . I believe it's about 16".. I can measure it when I get home.. I did not raise it at all.. mine sits directly on the floor with a piece of cement board under it..
Welcome Karen. Are you possibly referring to the freestanding stove instead of the insert? The freestanding stove firebox is about 10-12" off the ground.

[] New 2 sided Supreme Duet
Welcome Karen. Are you possibly referring to the freestanding stove instead of the insert? The freestanding stove firebox is about 10-12" off the ground.

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No, it's the Duet, the double sided insert. My builder had thought it was 10" off the ground but I think it must be more. We're actually going to use marble tile and a traditional mantel/surround and use it in two formal rooms.

I hope it's a good purchase! It's quite expensive :)
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Got it. It looks to be about 14" if their drawings are to scale. Contact Supreme. They should get back to you pretty quickly. If you want it higher I'm wondering if the builder could raise the base a bit.

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Got it. It looks to be about 14" if their drawings are to scale. Contact Supreme. They should get back to you pretty quickly. If you want it higher I'm wondering if the builder could raise the base a bit.

Phone: (514) 593-4722
Toll free: 1-877-593-4722
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You are correct! I just got home and measured it mine is 14 1/2" from finished floor.. that is because I put mine up on half inch thick cement board.. originally I was thinking of making it higher.. But I'm glad I didn't I think it's perfect right where its at..
I would love to hear from some others that have this fireplace up and running.. I'm interested in installing a thermometer to see what temps i'm burning at and to see what the optima burn temp is.. I called supreme regarding this and they did not really have answer for me on a temp or where to install a thermometer.. I talked to a lady that works for supreme and actually has one installed in her house (first person i've talked too who has one) and she said she does not have any thermometers.. She just loads it up with 4-5 logs with no issue of over firing . I guess i'm just a little gun shy about over firing it.. I kinda go by the temp sensors in the duct work the second floor witch are located about 2' from the unit.. She did not have the ducts installed on hers so she really did'ent have answer for me.. But from what i gathered from her, when it gets to the point of the flames coming down from the top more then the bottom it just starting to burn like its supposed too.. In my mind it looks like a volcano ready to erupt! lol..
Great looking stove, and great looking house. Where in NJ are you? I'm just outside Hopewell.
I posted about a month ago that we were using the DUET. We too are only getting about 4-5 hours of burn before we have just enough coals to start again. I have contacted Supreme about this and they were in the lab working on some stuff. I told them that i would conitnue to tinker with my air control but it is still not giving me a good burn to trust it over night. BUT, we love the fireplace. We are a 3400+ sq ft reverse story and a half. we have the two hot air vent in the fireplace cabinet. Unfortunatey thought we did not leave enough room around the firebox to put two hot air systems in. We just have one. it dumps air into the basement in a rec room area. I have not tested the output for actual temperature but it is very warm air. We have a rec room/pool table area and two bedrooms downstairs. Between that and blocking the majority of the cold air returns we are actually keeping the house very comfortable on single digit nights. We have now burned through about 2 cords of wood (hackleberry being my favorite). If I would have planned better I would be extremely satisfied if I would have had the two hot air systems installed. I am including some pictures of our install and the one family member that can't get enough of the fire!
[] New 2 sided Supreme Duet [] New 2 sided Supreme Duet [] New 2 sided Supreme Duet [] New 2 sided Supreme Duet [] New 2 sided Supreme Duet [] New 2 sided Supreme Duet


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Wow! looks Great! Nice to see and hear from someone else using the Duet! I have been burning mine overnight without any issues.. Most mornings i have just enough coals to get it going again you have to put some long burn splits in it and damper it way down to make it last though..

Few questions..

1) do you have any pics of your hot air system that you use for the basement? and how do you control it?
2) do you have access to the unit anywhere to service or change the fans/blowers in case of a failure?
3)Why are you blocking the return air vents for the house?
I guess I too let it go overnight. My issue is that I stay up until midnight and then load the box. By 5 or 6 it is producing no usable heat. There are enought coals to start up again. But as I am using this to heat even the basement where there are two bed rooms I would like warm air to come from the hot air system but it does not so the basement has a chill to it and is NOT inviting to a 8 and 10 year old to bounce out of bed.

1) I do not have pictures of the hot air system. We bought it with the fireplace from supreme. It is a motor that mounts (in our case) in the floor joist. It draws its heat from the firebox an is controlled by a thermostat in the basement about 10 feet away from the vent that drops the hot air into the basement. From the motor to the output is about 20 or 25 feet of insulated heat ducting. The thermostat wont kick on until the elctronics of the fireplace kick on.a
2) we put a "cold air return" in the ceiling of the basement, just below the blower.
3) when designing the hvac system they put i an extra large cold air return in the kitchen, just across from the fireplace, to draw the warm air into the all house system. the problem with moving all of the warm air from the fireplace and there is plenty is that if all of the cold air returns are open then I dont move as much of the warm air and it is overpowered in the motor by the cooler air from other places in the house. It was suggested by the HVAC guys to block off most o the vents. This has helped quite a bit but I think the real solution is to add an extra cold air return. I dont know how feasable this is at this point.