That is not the stoves fault, in general.
In almost all cases it's how it is connected, humidity, wind, chimney, home tightness, fuel (not being manufactured as gasoline is; even pellets are variable...).
Yes there are poorly designed (and untested or insufficiently tested, so the requirements from the above list for proper, safe, or clean operation are not known) stoves. But th far majority of what we can buy has been designed ok.
That is very different from a car where fuel is much more regulated, and operation does not depend on tightness of an enclosure, local wind and weather parameters, fuel variability (because that's rather standard and uniform), user installed tail pipe length etc.
We can get where you want to be. But having the government dictate precisely how much your door may leak, that you've should take 2.5 bricks off of your chimney, and you can only burn 1 ft sections of 2*4 at 8 pct humidity, stacked in this geometry (see figure provided to you by law).
I surmise that none of us want that amount of govt interference in our lives.