Near Boston...where can I find these pellets?

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Hearth Supporter
Jan 16, 2008
Near Boston
I was told by my friends to use New England Premium pellets or Cubex premium pellets.

Any one know where I can get either without driving like 50 miles to get them??

You can get New England pellets at Stovekeepers ((broken link removed)) in Amherst, NH. A bit further than 50 miles. Last I checked, they were about $255/ton. I used them before and they burn well, probably the best burning pellets I have had so far.

Also, for the New Englands, you can go to their website and type in your zip.
You can find dealers using NEWP website. Can try (broken link removed) too but their
delivery prices are high right now. Try too.
There are a few dealers on the south shore that still have NEWP Canadian
in stock.
Why not try a few bags of what is available near you first?
Just because friends recommend a certain brand doesn't
mean they will run better than any other brand in your stove.
Now that we are in the midst of winter I certainly wouldn't
worry about finding a certain brand. If you try the NEWP
and find they burn well in your stove, you can purchase 2 tons or more from (the link tinka posted) and get a decent price and
have them delivered to your home. The more you buy, the better
the price.
srjtr7 said:
I was told by my friends to use New England Premium pellets or Cubex premium pellets.

Any one know where I can get either without driving like 50 miles to get them??


The Stove Place on Rt 20 on the Worcester/Shrewbury line has both brands.
The Cubex is going for $5.40 a bag last time I was there (last week).
I do love Cubex over anything else I have burned this season.
tinkabranc said:
Can try (broken link removed) too but their delivery prices are high right now.

For the original poster. If you can make a larger order, is a very good option. There delivery prices are a bit higher than they have been in the past, but the service is still worth it if you order enough. NEWP Canadian is about $259 per ton delivered for 4 tons in my area (North Attleboro).

You can also signup to pool orders with others in your area to reduce shipping costs. I'm not sure how well that works yet as I've just signed up.

Prices are also considerably lower if you order off-season. They are offering Clean Fire premium pellets for under $230 per ton delivered for 4 tons with April to June delivery in my area.

I've ordered from them twice and have been very satisfied.
The Patriot said:
....(broken link removed)......
You can also signup to pool orders with others in your area to
reduce shipping costs. I'm not sure how well that works yet as I've just signed up.

As far as that goes, I inquired about this and here was the reply:

"How this would work best for everyone receiving pellets is if either we
could drop all fuel in one location, or if they live close enough so that
the driver didn't have to put the forklift back on the truck and drive to
the next location. If he does have to put the forklift back on the truck to get to
another location then we'll have to charge for a separate delivery."
zeta said:
As far as that goes, I inquired about this and here was the reply:

"How this would work best for everyone receiving pellets is if either we
could drop all fuel in one location, or if they live close enough so that
the driver didn't have to put the forklift back on the truck and drive to
the next location. If he does have to put the forklift back on the truck to get to
another location then we'll have to charge for a separate delivery."

Well, there goes that idea. I'll have to start a pellet stove campaign in my neighborhood!

In any case, they are worth checking out for bulk deliveries.
Patriot, do you know if they carry Barefoot? I'm on the MA/CT/RI border. We could work something out...
Not according to their website.

I'm sure you could find someone closer to you anyway. You must be at least 45 minutes away from me, probably more since there isn't a direct route.
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