Wooddust said:firefighterjake said:Wooddust said:Good discussion and helpful. After just two seasons with my stove, for me at least, the issues of stove operation seem to come down to "feel". As a newbie compared to many of you, Im still developing an understanding of the impact of the selected wood, the size I split my wood into, the species (I am blessed with abundance of hardwood oaks, osage orange, black locust, honey locust), and the dryness or lack thereof of the wood I am burning. I'd also speculate every stove has a personality of its own that comes from not only its design but also its installation and location that makes it even more critical to develop that feel.
I learn a lot here. Y'all are ok in my book.
Hehheh . . . apparently you haven't met all of our members yet . . . some are most definitely not OK.. . . especially the ones who insist on splitting vertically . . . and the ones who live in Maine.
Well I have been to Maine. But being rather new here I didn't want to say anything about them. Or people from Wisconsin either. Best to try to fit in if you can and not stir people up. Ipwa people are nuts but that goes without saying so I wont say it.
HehHeh . . . you'll fit in well here . . . definitely stick around . . . you will learn a lot . . . and will add a lot to the conversation.