my rack build ITS DONE!!!

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Nice shed.
Yeah, the roof 2x4 should have been on edge and gee in Maine you'd probably need 2x8 on edge to handle the snow loads and maybe even a bit more pitch.
The roof may not stay perfectly flat and you might want to rake any huge heavy wet snow loads off that don't slide off on their own.
Or add a couple more (even just temporary) supports in the center if you see it bowing or any of the 2x4 cracking.

You'll be building a bigger and better one soon enough anyway. :-)
thats what i am saying i already have the feeling that on the next 2 months i might fill this one up i have almost 3 trees worth of trunks so we will see over the next few weeks and if its full then time to build the 2nd one lol
very nice shed!
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