My Journey with a Castle Serenity Pellet Stove.

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Ok. I got the vent mod done. It's not perfect but it'll work. I'll post a picture when I get a chance. So what kind of air vent settings do you use? Do I just experiment till it seems right? I know I changed the default fan settings so I think I'll reset those and start all over again. I don't have the air in yet but will get that done this weekend. That should go quick. Will seal it all up with tape.
experimenting is the best, my air gate is 3/4 closed but your setup and pellets are different so you need to find what works for you.keep us posted how it goes for you.
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Hello Everyone! New to this site and first time poster! So moving forward with the purchase of a new Castle Serenity Pellet stove! I can't begin to express how excited I am about this! I currently heat my home with propane so that should give you some idea! haha! anyway, i've been reading through many of the threads about this stove and it sounds like I won't be disappointed! My question is has anyone tried to do a pipe installation through stucco exterior? Also haven't really seen anyone jumping on the thimble/air intake combination units? are they a waste of money? I like the idea of being able to cut one hole and have both pipes running opposed to 2 seperate holes in a stucco exterior....any thoughts? Thanks in advance for any advice! Cheers!
I think most use the duravent piping because its readily available.
Hello Everyone! New to this site and first time poster! So moving forward with the purchase of a new Castle Serenity Pellet stove! I can't begin to express how excited I am about this! I currently heat my home with propane so that should give you some idea! haha! anyway, i've been reading through many of the threads about this stove and it sounds like I won't be disappointed! My question is has anyone tried to do a pipe installation through stucco exterior? Also haven't really seen anyone jumping on the thimble/air intake combination units? are they a waste of money? I like the idea of being able to cut one hole and have both pipes running opposed to 2 seperate holes in a stucco exterior....any thoughts? Thanks in advance for any advice! Cheers!
I used a duravent kit but put an extra hole in it for the intake. My vertical rise is on the exterior so it works. It's alot cleaner looking.
I used a duravent kit but put an extra hole in it for the intake. My vertical rise is on the exterior so it works. It's alot cleaner looking.


  • [] My Journey with a Castle Serenity Pellet Stove.
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So, I'm about there with the Castle. Will post a few pictures here now. If you see anything suspicious please say something. I ended rebuilding my draft handle because the one I cobbled together was not so great. Went to Ace and bought a piece of aluminum strapping and built a nice one. Works great. In the picture you will see machine screw on the l.ongest part, that is a stopper so the paddle that covers the draft doesn't come completely out of it's guides.
I'm also having a mod made that will go over the front where the heat is blown out that will vent it through a pipe directly up my stairway to my upper level. Kind of a forced air rig. Will look a little funky but I think it will be a much more direct way to send the heat up than just letting it drift up through the stairway. Right now very little heat actually makes it up. It takes about 15 minutes on level 1 (it's not cold yet either) to do the lower level so I'm hoping it will be similar when I pipe it up. Oh, and the air on the outside wall needs a 90, going to see if I can get one at a muffler shop or have them make me one.

You can measure how much your draft is open by pulling the burn tray (where the pellets burn) and taking a flashlight an looking behind where it sits. That's where it feeds the air. I made marks on my handle for closed, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 and open. Now I just need to get my little vent mod done and figure out how to get the best burn and hopefully I'll be set.

[] My Journey with a Castle Serenity Pellet Stove.
[] My Journey with a Castle Serenity Pellet Stove.
[] My Journey with a Castle Serenity Pellet Stove.
[] My Journey with a Castle Serenity Pellet Stove.
[] My Journey with a Castle Serenity Pellet Stove.
[] My Journey with a Castle Serenity Pellet Stove.
Very cool draft adjustment handle you've made yourself. I really need to do this myself, plus finish the OAK. With my Serenity in the shop and operating very satisfactory, I just haven't felt the urgency as of yet. I'm sure it'll get done yet this year. Just for an FYI, I run mine at factory default settings and on manual #2. I'm at about 3200' above sea level. Perfect for my needs. Thanks again for the post and pix!
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Ok guys I need help I have a castle serenity stove and I love it but just today as I was heating my house it blew a fuse and started smoking out the intake I have looked all over the place for someone with the same issue and nothing. I am new to the pellet stove world and was wondering if anybody could help me try and figure this out?
did it blow the stove fuse or trip the house breaker,and do you have the air intake hooked up
did it blow the stove fuse or trip the house breaker,and do you have the air intake hooked up

It blew the stove fuse and no I put the stove in right before it got cold and talked to a lot of people and they said try running it with out the intake hooked up and see how it runs.
The stove may run fine without the intake hooked up but then in the event of a power outage the smoke can filter into the house. I and many here will advise you to get that air intake hooked up.have you replaced the blown fuse yet and see if the stove will fire back up without blowing the fuse.
The stove may run fine without the intake hooked up but then in the event of a power outage the smoke can filter into the house. I and many here will advise you to get that air intake hooked up.have you replaced the blown fuse yet and see if the stove will fire back up without blowing the fuse.

Yea I planned on getting it hooked up but was trying to wait for it to dry out outside and get a little warmer. And yes I did replace the fuse and my wife went to turn it on when she got home and it started to ignite and then it blew another fuse is it possible that since the smoke came back into the house that the combustion motor might be bad.

Also on a side note what type of fuse do I need to get as a replacement.
Take one of the blown fuses with you to get a replacement then put a good fuse in the stove and instead of trying to start the stove run a diagnostic test.
Ok I will do that will it tell me if a motor is bad or something
Get a couple fuses,if its the motor when the diagnostic test runs the motor it should blow the fuse, may just be a loose connection or wires touching.wouldn't hurt to do a visual inspection of the wiring before doing anything else.
Get a couple fuses,if its the motor when the diagnostic test runs the motor it should blow the fuse, may just be a loose connection or wires touching.wouldn't hurt to do a visual inspection of the wiring before doing anything else.

Yea I planned on tearing the back and side off of it when I get home from and really looking over and possibly pulling the combustion motor out and looking at I did notice when looking at it today before I left that when the wife last cleaned it she left the sides up for the ash bin and there was alot.of ash sitting in the bottom could that have possibly burnt something up she just cleaned it Saturday and now this
I highly recommend that you start a new thread with a more specific title to gain the interest of more viewers. This thread is about a different subject.

However, leaving the side flaps up can cause more debri to get by the ash pan and perhaps enough has made it's way to the combustion fan and blocked it up?
I highly recommend that you start a new thread with a more specific title to gain the interest of more viewers. This thread is about a different subject.

However, leaving the side flaps up can cause more debri to get by the ash pan and perhaps enough has made it's way to the combustion fan and blocked it up?

Thanks for the advice I was mostly just wanting to see what opinions people had and if I can't figure it out I planned on posting a new thread I just seen that most the people on this thread had a castle serenity and wanted to see if they possibly had the same issue
to be blowing fuses something is shorting out,like deezl said maybe leaving the ash deflectors up gunked up the motor and toasted it ( you can blame it on the wifey ;) ).Pull the side panels and check all connections then leave the side panels off and put a good fuse in and run the diagnostic test if it's a component causing the short when the diagnostic test checks that component it should pop the fuse and that will tell you the problem.From what you have said so far it sounds like it may very well be the combustion blower
I just joined today after reading up on Pellet Stoves for the last couple of months. GT Sharp, i just did the exact same as you, ordered the Castle Serenity from ACE using a 15% off coupon, they cancelled the order an hour later. I tried ordering it again with the code but it no longer worked! I found another code for 15% discount, ordered again and they havent cancelled yet!, fingers crossed. if all else fails i'll do the same and get it from HD.
Hi Guys... I did the SAME EXACT THING WITH THE SAME RESULTS... ACE HARDWARE CANCELLED MY ORDER AS WELL... seems to be something they do routinely... they say that have it in stock while online, but then "mysteriously" they don't have any to satisfy the order and just cancel it after you wait for a few weeks. I got mine from HD for a bit more, but they delivered it right to my door and the guy actually helped me take it down steps to my basement. HD has been great to work with... have a few questions, but will post them on a new entry. Update me on how your stove works for you. I love the stove. Only had one incident, but I think it was my fault.
Okay, you have my attention. I'm all eyes & ears. I already have all the bits laying around, i.e., pipe, wall thimble material, etc.. ...but am always open to a project that makes things more functional.
Did a search here on the forum for 'balanced flue' and was only able to come up with info regarding closing off air intake on lower base of stove. Still a 'lil vague for my limited imagination. Would you be willing to provide some links or a little more info pertaining to your 'balanced flue' design?
Selkirk DT is the US equivilant. I use it on all my stoves and love the better efficiency!
If you folks are looking for a Castle Serenity check on ebay there is a place in western Wisconsin that has these stoves, the name of the store is moreoutdoor4usales. I picked one up for 599.00 with free shipping to a fedex freight termanal