Well, down here in Dixie, it is laissez-faire. Or, caveat emptor. You are left to your own devices.
I am diligent, I look up the specs. I built the fireplace pictured to the left, and I have installed 7 wood stoves, never had a problem.
My neighbor up here in the NC mountains is what we call a half-back. He is a New York Yankee who moved to Florida, then moved half the way back to North Carolina.
Frank is a know it all Yankee from Buffalo New York.
He had moved down to Ft. Lauderdale at age 20. At age 54 he moved up here to NC. Had never used a wood stove.
The big log cabin Frank bought had a pre fab fireplace. Frank told me he was going to install a free standing wood stove into the fireplace.
Being the nice guy that I am, I got onto google, and bought him this book for 20 bucks.
Though this book was, at that time, about 20 years old, it was a wealth of info about wood stoves. It had about 20 pages on the fire dept. codes on wood stove installation, especially including installs into an existing fireplace.
Frank thanked me for the book, this was in August.
He went ahead and installed his wood stove.
Come late October of that year, the second time he lit up his wood stove, he charged it up with wood and went down into the town of Marshall to go to work.
Two hours later, his house burned down.
I read the report from the Fire Department, it said "Improper installation of wood stove."
A week later, I said to Frank, the Know-it-All Yankee, "Did you ever get a chance to read that wood stove book I bought you."
He replied, "No, I never got a chance to read that book you gave me. It burned up in the fire."
If you look up the word "ironic" in the dictionary, you will see Frank's picture.
So, for diligent guys like me, no government inspection is needed. For know-it-all Yankees, or else, for dumb-ass Southern hillbillies, government inspection is needed.