You really need to do some more research on the actual facts involved in these issues. You are clearly just parroting the talking points put out by the fossil fuel industry.I love fossil fuels . I can't live without them. And neither can you virtue signaling renewable energy lovers.
Everything that is so called renewable is presently using a net negative amount of fossil fuel reduction overall, not to mention the afterlife of dead batteries etc. that will be sent to some far off 3rd world country to be dealt with so us first worlder virtuous can feel smug and fuzzy like we made a difference.....LOL....Not to mention the thousands of tax dollars that are being sucked out of already struggling families to fund this renewable fantacy world. but i guess i'm enough off track that your reply will be to give me a time out....LMAO🤣 sorry fe
Did you read your reply?...🤣
Now you are absolutely correct no one can live without fossil fuels at this point. It just isn't possible. But that doesn't mean reducing reliance on them isn't a good thing.
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