@Rob_Red, thanks for your feedback regarding the GM40.
How big is the room where it sits? I own a 1800 sf two story house, but the stove would sit in a 450 sf room with only a doorway for heat propagation.
You should be fine, my room is about the same size. If I have it really stoked and its not super cold out I may crack a window. A little fresh air is nice!
for 1800 sf if you want to heat 100% with wood this stove is probably slightly undersized, especially in a drafty old house.
Are you able to enjoy a nice burning fire even with the cat turned on? Doesn't it "asphyxiate" the fire somehow by reducing the air output, reducing it to glowing ambers instead?
I am able to have a roaring fire with the cat engaged no problem. This is a "Hybrid" design and it has secondary air as well. It doesn't really run in smoulder mode like a Blaze King . I do run it as pictured when I want a long burn. If the cat starts to smoulder the fire then its plugged with ash and needs a simple cleaning which takes about 20 minutes once the stove is cooled down. When the Cat is clear engaging it has zero effect on draft or air flow.
And are you able to stand the heat from up close? I may be sitting 4 feet from the stove.
I sit about 4 feet away and its just fine. I find that the soap stone evens out the heat pretty well, worst case don't load the stove with as much wood, and or crack a window.
I'm on the fence between the GM40 and the Morso 7110:
- They have almost identical dimensions.
- I like that GM40 is having wood handles (Morso's are plastic) - The quality is high with great fit and finish. I like the wood handles my self
- I find Morso's simpler & more traditional burn system appealing (without cat). - I understand.... If the GM40 didn't have a Cat I wouldn't be upset I may get some additional efficiency but the most obvious benefit of the Cat is no smoke out of the chimney. The Cat is however reliable and livable. It hasn't been an issue to use at all.
- Morso 7110 seems to allows up to 18 in logs (recommending 16.5 in)
- GM40 has a slightly bigger firebox (1.32 cu ft vs 1.04 cu ft for Morso 7110) - Honestly I think the GM40 firebox is about a small as I can possibly get away with. How ever I run the stove 24-7 as my main source of heat. If you only want to burn ocasionally and for ambiance it may not be a big deal for you.