Good to hear you are getting the beast tamed and tuned. I have never even had my ash drawer out so I will have to take a look at that. I don't think you said but how hot is your cat running now. Are you able to get it to the 1500 - 1800 range pretty easily now? Also what kind of cat did you get and where?
Yeah, I'm really pleased with the way it's going.
Like I said, there is still a little air coming in at the ash drop but nowhere
near what it was. I cleaned the glass last night and only had a little brown haze in the lower corners this AM.

Contrast that to the previous clean left-side glass due to the ash pan leak inferno, and gunked-up lower right glass. Now that I'm getting a longer burn with stronger, more even heat output, I don't have to cram the box full. I don't have to push the coals to the back to make room for wood, I just heap 'em up in the middle, N-S. Then I can load the 16" splits further back, away from the glass. That may help keep it cleaner, I don't know. Just sealing the ash pan leak is getting more air coming in through the air wash, I'm sure. We had 69* in the furnace thermostat room, next to the stove room, this AM. No, it wasn't too cold last night, around 40, but the wind was pretty strong.
I never had a problem getting high cat temps. In fact, I was more worried about it going too high. I don't think that's going to be an issue any more, with more control over the air. The problem was getting the cat to take off with a new load. And even with the cat glowing away there was still some smoke out of the stack. Besides a tired cat, that have been partly due to too much air (cool ash drop air at that) moving the smoke too quickly through the cat and not giving it the time it needed. Hard to tell what actually happened since I made two changes at once (new cat, fixed air leak.) Highest cat temp I've seen with these changes has been 1200. Waiting for more recorded daytime readings to come in from further into the burn...
I may keep burning sacrificial splits to raise the stove temp if I need to. That way I can get big flame
and radiation against the walls of the box. Once you have 'er loaded up, radiation against the sides is limited. This AM, MIL had opened up the air a bit when she got up, and I was ready to load up as the probe was already around 700. By the time I had 800, cat was glowing and no smoke.

The replacement cat is OE, Applied Ceramics from, the site that AC directs you to. I will be starting a thread about that soon.

Yep, I'm stoked about the situation now. I think I'll be able to get 12 hrs. of good heat on lesser fuel, like soft Maple. This would sure take the pressure off since I should be able to dry quite a bit of that this summer. Hopefully I can save the slower-drying high output woods for those colder-than-average nights. Once I get far enough ahead, it'll be a moot point and I'll burn whatever the hell I want.

Gonna get cool this weekend; Might have to stuff 'er to the gills with Hickory and BL, and go for the Long March burn.