I'm going to disagree on that one, but only time will tell
Every prior year they have always sold Blazers at the same price point as the "run of the mill" pellets. In fact, last year, they pulled a "Lowes" and introduced the notion of a "higher tier" pellet sold at a higher price. Blazers were not in that category. Nope, on their website the "better" pellets were listed as Fireside Platinums and they were $20/ton more than the rest of the stuff they sold. As far as I know, that product never materialized - at least not around here. The only product that ever showed up at HDs here and sold for the "higher" price was the AWF WPs. Looking at their website now, they are listing Nation's Choice as another "higher tier" pellet as well...OK, really??? Wow, anyway, I suspect when Blazers hit the shelves this year, they will still be the same price as the run of the mill pellets - just as they always have.