Well I pulled the trigger on the Escape 1800. Ordered the insert and face plate from the big box lumber yard that has the 11% off sale going on right now. When I get the rebate check I will have to go to the store and use it to order the chimney liner kit that they offer. Works out to be less that $1300 with tax. Not bad! I'll see what it looks like when it gets here but I may order a better chimney top plate from one of the suppliers that advertises on this site. I like the terra-cotta top plate that they offer. I will have my welder buddy make a block off plate and probably have him come out and cut the damper and fire box to fit the insert and liner. Opinions? do I need to insulated the liner? The liner for the Tundra is not insulated as it wouldn't fit in the chimney that way and is seems to stay pretty clean.