
The wife takes a personal day off from work, we drive an hour to see the Harman stove of her dreams. The exit before we get off the interstate, the dealer's salesman calls and tells us we have some confusion here. The day before they transferred the Harman stove we were going to see, to the shop in the same town my wife works in; the other store need something to display .

AN hour trip and personal day taken to be spent on what? An apologetic salesman said he went out to get the unit and bring it into the showroom yesterday morning and it was already gone. Sadly he knew the day before she would take time off and how far we would travel, one might think ahead an ensure that you actually have what we were coming to see in hand.
OK it was a simple communication error. A human mistake, just part and parcel of living in the north country; so now what? We decided to make the best of it. So she bought a new dress and shoes.......lol. What was to be a singular stop and go home trip, just to vet out the Harman stove, now became an open book. Maybe it was for the best. In the back of my mind was a post that kept ringing in my ears, something like "Luke, use the force!"
Well I'll put it this way to get to 50K on the input side of the equation using a very very good pellet requires that you burn over 5.5 pounds an hour and over the course of 24 hours that amounts to 133 pounds of pellets.
If we assume (no comment) that you only need half of that you need at least a nominal 65 pound hopper so that rules out the Accentra.
Now the really big question service when needed and who is going to do the cleaning. If you aren't going to handle the whole job then you have to evaluate the dealers technical ability, reliability, and past performance as any of the remaining units can handle the heating side.
We ended up going to see the other dealer in town. We viewed and then discussed the variables with some of the runner up stoves. Quickly eliminating some of the cute, but inefficient stoves, (happily the wifey was recognizing the important issues by now on her own). The Harman $$V was really a 38,500 btu stove potential and the big boxy stove I had in mind was a 70,000 potential unit.
If the ability to have extended burn times, big BTU's with reasonable efficiency, a competitive cost, fairly low emissions and maintenance that even the wife can do is the goal we are now on the path to get an:
Osburn 7000 which is suppose to be a true 70,000 OUTPUT potential. *We're impressed with the dealership, and have friends that are also.
Reading the manuals and watching their informational video's has presented a few questions:
The brochure states on one page that the Osburn 5000 has a 50,000 output and the 7000 has a 50,000 output also? The tech pages state what would seem to be the common sense claim of 50K and 70K outputs. The dealer stated that it was typo.
The other partial concern is a video showing pellets from wood, switch grass, bark etc then the manual states ONLY wood pellets. I'm confused, but I would only expect to burn wood pellets anyway?
I really could use some input from anyone. I have been reading the topics from my search of the forum and the internet. opinions anyone?