And what was their answer. I have asked that question of many fireplace manufacturers and have either gotten the answer that you cant do it or the answer that you have to follow the instructions. Btw I am not against doing this if both manufacturers agree it is ok and you have had a level 3 inspection on the fireplace to make sure it is installed correctly and is in good condition.I've specifically asked HHT about the wording in the fireplace manual whether or not "altering the fireplace" includes installing a fireplace insert and whether that means installing an insert would "disregard instructions for the fireplace".
Can you post a picture of that because it seems to be in conflict with the instructions. It would not be the first time I have seen a company contradict themselves but I am curious. And have you located a list of the specified products for that unit?By the way, I forgot to mention, my fireplace has a UL plate on the inside which has a line that reads: "Do not use a stove insert or other products unless specified for use with this product". Seems like a strange message if no stove inserts are to be used in the fireplace. I take that as meaning this fireplace yields to instruction and proper installation of a UL listed insert. I'll let HHT and my local building code office make that determination.
Also your local code office has no liability unless they see the issue and give you an exemption for it. They can and do miss stuff and are not held liable at all. The same goes for HHT unless they give you that written authorization they have no liability.