Ideal size to split wood?

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will wood still dry during winter
Yes, as long as it isn't frozen, this is were stacking in windiest and sunniest part of the yard become the most important, also top covering during weather events helps (imo tremendously)
I tend to make 3 row stacks on pallets, I make the middle row about a foot higher then the outside rows, then I top over everything, the higher middle row make the tarp act like pitched roof so rain and snow just slide right off.
Yes, as long as it isn't frozen, this is were stacking in windiest and sunniest part of the yard become the most important, also top covering during weather events helps (imo tremendously)
I tend to make 3 row stacks on pallets, I make the middle row about a foot higher then the outside rows, then I top over everything, the higher middle row make the tarp act like pitched roof so rain and snow just slide right off.

Yeah I need to find a good spot in the back yard not to far from the house to do some stacking, will try your pitch tent method lol
I found the best way to split gum is to go around the edges with the splitter. Never try and poke through the middle. It just bends the fibers over and stops the ram. I go in a few inches and "peel" it. Fella down the road let me take this... already cut.
[] Ideal size to split wood?
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Nice, I like burning gum just not splitting it lol
Us too.
It was a standing 1/2 dead when dropped, and I immediately split in July.
The wafers are all gone here too. I could tell the dead section by the lighter splits and those are
close to ready. Ideally most will burn next year, but we love the stuff so I broke up some more baby splits.
Those are very nice mixed with the massive ash stash.
Oak is definitely king here already. Gonna be awesome to run all of next winter on it. (the cold 3 months)
So I was wondering around lowes today and saw this
[] Ideal size to split wood?

so I got it and ran home to do some splitting lol.So since my new insert cant take those big ole splits my old one used to, I figure I can split like this instead of making them to small,no bark and a lot of surface area for sun and wind
[] Ideal size to split wood?

Like 2x8 sizes, should be able to load her up pretty good with a bunch of those
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Not sure how much Oak or storage you have but I would consider some of both for a long term investment. I split a bunch of it 8x8x18 in 2011 that burns absolutely amazing now. Good stuff to have around when its blowing and cold.
Not sure how much Oak or storage you have but I would consider some of both for a long term investment. I split a bunch of it 8x8x18 in 2011 that burns absolutely amazing now. Good stuff to have around when its blowing and cold.
I got about 8 cords of mixed oak some split and stacked and a lot still laying on the ground needing processing, gotta build a new bigger shed so I can load up at least 4 cords at a time for drying, I burn less than 2 cords per season

[] Ideal size to split wood?

had to test out the fiska lol
Not sure how big your current shed is but if it is big enough for a single season I wouldn't worry about a bigger one. I double row stack on pallets in the open and then load the shed in October for the season. Works pretty good and a lot less roof to maintain.
Not sure how big your current shed is but if it is big enough for a single season I wouldn't worry about a bigger one. I double row stack on pallets in the open and then load the shed in October for the season. Works pretty good and a lot less roof to maintain.

the problem I have is I have way more wood than what the current shed can take I need to split and stack so I can get ahead, just don't see that happening with this little shed lol
[] Ideal size to split wood?

Baby shed way to small lol 4'x12' wide x 6' high. That's just the covered section dimensions
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That's 2.25 cord by my calculations. Dry the wood outside and put it under the roof in additional shed req'd. Burning dry wood could cut your consumption in half again.
That's 2.25 cord by my calculations. Dry the wood outside and put it under the roof in additional shed req'd. Burning dry wood could cut your consumption in half again.

Makes sense I never thought about it like that
Ours looks the same. With the rounds being huge, I wafer it across side to side.
Varying thicknesses give choices.
I broke much of ours down smaller to use this season.
Been doing the semicircle around the hearth to speed the dehydration process and it generally burns great.
I'm loving my new Fiskars X-27 too !! That thing was truly designed by engineers who listened to the masses
and it's paying the company back in spades. Good business making an incredibly strong and useful product,
and one that doesn't have a built in weak point so it needs replaced every 4 years. The head could be a bit harder
but it resharpens in seconds on the grinder. The light weight makes an easier swing. The longer shaft gives back
the missing weight in the form of head speed and slightly thin but aggressive enuff taper to bust up anything without major knots.
Got mine as a 50th birthday present in the form of a gift card. I would never have spent 46 bucks on an axe with having a 6 lb
maul and a regular axe doing a fine job to begin with. This thing is the Corvette of splitting axes though! Light, fast, powerful.

Mine didn't come with that cool storage guard, but it was the last one at the store. I have the black one too.

Split on, Wayne, Split on, Garth.
Pin oak is a lot different than red and white oak. I'd split the pin oak larger because it doesn't hold moisture like the other oaks do. I've split it thin and it gets very light for an oak species
Pin oak is a lot different than red and white oak. I'd split the pin oak larger because it doesn't hold moisture like the other oaks do. I've split it thin and it gets very light for an oak species
I still can't tell the difference, I thought the ones I split was pin oak but it split so easy I can't help thinking it was actually red oak
Pin oak is a lot different than red and white oak. I'd split the pin oak larger because it doesn't hold moisture like the other oaks do. I've split it thin and it gets very light for an oak species
Believe this is because they grow much faster than regular reds and for sure slow growing whites. We have one in our back yard and I've been amazed at how fast it has put on weight. still oak though and good btu's.
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I still can't tell the difference, I thought the ones I split was pin oak but it split so easy I can't help thinking it was actually red oak
Red oak does have a distinctive odor, which to me smells good. Pin oak kind of a vinegar odor
My wife and kids say that freshly split red smells like livestock doo-doo. LOL

Personally I like it too. Smells like saving money to me. Hehehehe

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Was nice out yesterday so I decided to leave the splitter in the garage and bring out the fiskars, had some good fun with the red oak
[] Ideal size to split wood?

I had to cut the longer 24" pieces in half cause my new insert can only take 21" across but I can load tighter if I cut them around 16".
[] Ideal size to split wood?

That's whats left of that tree, was around 30' long
[] Ideal size to split wood?

And to my surprise more red oak lol,aorund 18" around and about 60' full length, still got another 40 footer in the front yard waiting to get processed to. Thank you thank you for the red oak.
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Was nice out yesterday so I decided to leave the splitter in the garage and bring out the fiskars, had some good fun with the red oakView attachment 191814

I had to cut the longer 24" pieces in half cause my new insert can only take 21" across but I can load tighter if I cut them around 16". View attachment 191817

That's whats left of that tree, was around 30' longView attachment 191818

And to my surprise more red oak lol,aorund 18" around and about 60' full length, still got another 40 footer in the front yard waiting to get processed to. Thank you thank you for the red oak.
Red oak is a joy to split, especially when it's nice and straight like that. Glad you got a chance to swing the Fiskars...have fun with the rest!