I thought I had it under control

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Minister of Fire
Jan 19, 2019
SE North Carolina
Well heart rate and blood pressure are up. The 1800i is as Gloria E. would say is “hot hot hot”.

STT peaked at about 850-900 flue gas in the adapter 1250. 2nd tube from the back is glowing.

Pulled the blower and did my best to block some secondary air.

It’s on its way down. STT 800 and 1080 in the adapter. I need more control. It was a warm/hot reload. N/S red live oak and random enough pieces that it didn’t pack well.

Down to 1050.

I need to modify the damper to close it full off. Got the new stove smell. Not much haze.
750 STT. 1000F in the adapter


  • [Hearth.com] I thought I had it under control
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It happens. I wouldn't panic. I had an incident like this a couple of weeks ago when the flue temp went north of 1000º briefly. It was a dry load that took off quicker than expected and I was distracted. It settled down in about 10 minutes. If it didn't I would have opened the stove door to flood it with cool air.
Nice fire 😁
That whole load will be coaling after 60 minutes of reloading. POOF!

Appliance adapter is a deeper straw/brown now.

Note to self. No more N/S. Shorties are for the fire pit. It’s all about how tight you pack it. If it’s too hot to pack tight don’t reload….
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You did have a damper, right? Would it make sense to screw a metal sheet on that to cover more holes?
My old jotul 3 could get crazy like that.
I did it quite a few times where it pinned the magnetic thermometer to max.
One time the thermometer even fell off the single wall pipe. The metal pipe Must have gotten close enough to non magnetic temperature to let it fall off.
Non magnetic is around 1,400F.
Not sure the temps of "less magnetic", or at what temp the magnetism becomes weak enough to let the thermometer drop?

Anyway that jotul 3 survived all the runaways no problem. If the rain water didn't drip onto the collar and rust it out, that stove would still be in excellent condition after 20 years of running hard enough to heat my house.
That whole load will be coaling after 60 minutes of reloading. POOF!

Appliance adapter is a deeper straw/brown now.

Note to self. No more N/S. Shorties are for the fire pit. It’s all about how tight you pack it. If it’s too hot to pack tight don’t reload….
[Hearth.com] I thought I had it under control
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Well the chart above is for clean steel, not black stove pipe, but interesting anyway.
You did have a damper, right? Would it make sense to screw a metal sheet on that to cover more holes?
Yep that on the agenda. The damper only open for startup and reload.
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Well the chart above is for clean steel, not black stove pipe, but interesting anyway.
It’s the stainless appliance adapter. So it works.
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Yikes that’s scary. Glad everything settled down ok
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We've all had that pucker mode before with our stoves. My Quadrafire 3100 FS saw STT 900 plus numerous times when left unchecked, but she would come back into band, that was a barn burner stove. The Enviro will too if unchecked, its super cold out and got some good good wood. Its important to "catch the trim" early, lest they get away. Ha Stay warm, but hopefully <700F.
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Something about that hot metal smell that you never forget. You know exactly what that smell means the moment it hits your nose.

Then you run to the stove, lol
Welcome to the club !! ;)

The PE insert pegged at 1200 on the door tsat after loading with cherry & maple 2 years seasoned.

I was packing up the dogs, cat, and valuables :mad:

begreen, Brother Bart, and fossil talked me off the ledge that night ;em
Has a Chimney Fire Take Off - on Us 1 Winter about 37yrs ago - those are to - Hit 2100F something

Anyhow - I was sitting there and Heard what Sounded like Strong Wind Coming Down Road . . then in 4 sec. Realized
That's Chimney ( YIKES ) , I Closed Air Off , But It Running Hard and Making it way Down from Attic - Past second Floor
Coming Fast Downward , getting Louder - so - I Opened Both Doors WIDE OPEN and Got a Big SWOOSH 2-3 seconds
Then Out .. But I Believe It Weakened Top 1-2 Flues , as I had Sweep come Look at It in Spring - He said Looked like Top 2 were
Cracked - but - No Missing Pieces ..

Then that same Spring - We Took Down - Other None Used Chimney that went all way down into Old Kitchen . .
2 College Lads & $55 Bucks Later with Trash Can , After Trash Can - Run all way from Attic , then second Floor then Kitchen , Into
Basement - Out in Driveway .. I asked an Old Friend of My Dad's what to do ?
He said well Let Me Think on It as It was a Big Pile of Brick - all Hard - some - Broken - with Mortar . .
9 Days Later - I hear a Noise - He's Backing into Drive with Medium side Dump Truck . .
Guys is 79 yrs Old My Dad at Time 64yrs Old , I'm working 11hr days 6 days Week . .
This Old Guy Hand Shoves It - All Up Into Dump Truck _ Amazing - Me in Good Shape @ around 30 - Would Not want to do that ..
I Yelled @ Him to Stop and Get His Tractor with Bucket on Front .. Ha just said Naww I'd have to Buy Diesel for It .
He was " Dam Good Man " so Bought Him Lunch & Big Tip - had it all Gone in 2hrs . . It - Took Me & 2 College Grads from Baseball Team
In Real Good Shape 3.5Hr to DEMO It as Fast as We Could . . He Charged Us $75 Bucks - I Gave Him $85 & Bought Lunch . .

Anyhow Back to Chimney Fire - Kinda Lucked Out , as after We got that all Down & Temp Patched Roof , I called Roofer ..
During Tear Off & New Plywood Up on all 1" 6" Boards - most were 12ft's Long Staggered . .
I'd Climb up there every Night when I got Home - to see How Things were Going 2.5 Stories Up as 17ft High Attic in this Old Victorian
Now is 127 Yrs Old Walk Up with Landing Type 4ft wide Stairs to Attic , K

Turns Out When They were Racking & Lifting & Peeling Old Rooking They Got Hard Into Chimney - which was Good Shape ..
Idiot Jumped on HD Wide Blade Pitch Fork - He stuck into & Broke Out Brick - in - Half at Roof Line ..
They Filled it with 10lbs of Tar . . well I didn't Find this Immediately . . They did Their Best to Hide it also . .
Then I Spotted Ripped Up Flashing ..

This Contractor did Work form My Dad's Boss - Who Owned a Large Company and 278 Employees . .
OK setting Stage . .

He come over to House say Hid Insurance Company will Not Cover Idiots . .
Maybe He didn't want to File , I don't Know ..
I asked them to Fix It , they said OK , But Fix was Not Correct & Leaked . .
I had Owner of Company come Over He checked it , I Told Him I'd Hire Him to Remodel My Kitchen , But have to
Fix this Properly - Well He Never or anyone from His Company ( Foremen ) that Did work over on Big Company Building Ever Came Back
I Followed up with Letters & Calls ( Owner Changed Name of Roofing Company Etc. )

Hot Flue Fire - to - Leaking Chimney - to Inspected by Local Building Inspector , which ask Whom this was ..
Asked to see Paper Work & They have to Provide Liability Insurance to Work in that County . .
By Now it Going into Nov. & Cold - Winter Storm Hit - Wind Chills so Cold - Froze Chimney so Hard & So Fast
IT POPPED - Yes - Chuck 12" Wide & 3ft Long Popped Right " H " Out 1 Corner 4" above Rook Line & 32 " Down into Attic !
5 Day Later Inspector Came out again . . DAM He said - Well That Does It , If that Thing which is at Least 10-12ft Up Higher
Falls Over - It Go right Down Through Building !

( Luckily 3 Flue Chimney ) Wide . . Never Fell
In Coming Spring We Took Puppy all way Down into second Level & Rebuilt Entire Mother !
Better & Stronger

" Hot Flue Gasses will get - Very Expensive "
Indian Red Mortar

[Hearth.com] I thought I had it under control
Welcome to the club !! ;)

The PE insert pegged at 1200 on the door tsat after loading with cherry & maple 2 years seasoned.

I was packing up the dogs, cat, and valuables :mad:

begreen, Brother Bart, and fossil talked me off the ledge that night ;em
I remember that night. Good on you for listening well, staying cool, and following through with the directions... followed with a stiff shot.
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Got to pack those NS loads very tight and get the air down early or else they will happen easily on mine also. Never seen it that hot yet, but I have had that hot stove smell a few times when distracted. Worst case scenario just open the door. I have had to do that twice for mine when blower on max and air shut down doesn’t cut it.
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Got to pack those NS loads very tight and get the air down early or else they will happen easily on mine also. Never seen it that hot yet, but I have had that hot stove smell a few times when distracted. Worst case scenario just open the door. I have had to do that twice for mine when blower on max and air shut down doesn’t cut it.
Does your 1800 have the SS heat shield welded to the top? That has decrease STTs by some.
I don’t think it’s stainless, no. Just a vermiculite ballade straight up to the flue exit.

Or are you talking about the angled plate directly behind the glass?
I remember that night. Good on you for listening well, staying cool, and following through with the directions... followed with a stiff shot.
And the medicinal herbal supplies ;)

BB called it. As soon as the bark burned off, she settled right down. Chimney was clean, however :p