I was thinking about this the other dayand how I was saving so much money heating with wood and came up with these round about numbers.
four propane tanks and all plumbing -$3000
chain saw, extra chain, misc tools, gas, oil-$700
Tractor - $17000
dump truck old and rusty- $1000
log splitter- $1000
Fami wench for tractor -$2000
misc trailers and wire boxes for hauling wood- $2000
Truck- $32000
ASV skidsteer for building road to get to the wood- $17000
600yds of large stones and 1000yds of sand used to build road that I could have sold- $15000
tools (welders, plasma torch, and misc hand stuff) to keep things running- $20000
Buildings to put every thing in- $20000
And I'm sure I've missed something.
But all said and done I love the work out, running the equipment, making things, managing the wood lot, hunting the deer, smelling the slight smell of smoke, giving the grandkids something to do, spitting and stacking the wood and just watching those gauges and blow torch flame on that eko. I'm 67 years old and can out work most younger guys, buy most anything I really want to because I've been frugal and happy with life. Ya I do like this life style and burning wood is part of it.